Recent independent studies have demonstrated that fluoride may be more dangerous than it is useful when it comes to children. While living a toxic-free life, many parents are aware of the debate over fluoride, one of many possible toxins that can be found in our tap water. Long touted as the safest way to prevent cavities and tooth decay, fluoride …
Green Enough: Eat Better, Live Cleaner, Be Happier Book–Order Today!
Are you looking for help detoxifying your home and protecting your family from harmful chemicals? It's not an easy task. Trust me, I know from years of trial and error. But it is entirely possible to do without driving your family bats*t crazy. And I have some very exciting news for you if you are wanting help! For the past two years, I've …
Purify The Air Inside Your Home Using The Same Plants NASA Recommends
Most Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors. Assuming you spend 90 percent of your time indoors, ensuring the air inside your home is clean and safe to breathe would be important to you health. So the question is, how clean is the air you breathe inside your home? Most people associate outdoors with dirtier polluted air, but the reality …
Hey Guys–Major Decline in Sperm Counts Linked to Chemicals You May Want to Know About
A new review of hundreds of studies has pinpointed a ‘canary in a coal mine’ that not only affects men's health today, but also future generations of humans and our ability to create them. The results of the study are alarming. Sperm counts are declining rapidly, and there is no indication that it will slow down. We've already covered how some …
200 Experts Agree The Chemical In This Toothpaste Is Toxic But We Have Better Alternatives
There’s a toxic ingredient in one of the most popular toothpaste brands on the market. It’s already been banned in other products here in the U.S., yet you could still be ingesting it each time you brush your teeth! And this brand of toothpaste is so popular, it used to be my preferred brand before I started looking into chemicals in personal …
These 5 Videos About Consumer Products & Chemicals Will Change Your Life
Every year Mamavation hosts a weekend conference called ShiftCon Social Media Conference where we bring influencers together with brands, nonprofits, scientists, doctors and other health professionals to discuss food & wellness issues, science, social media and female empowerment. Over the years, we have amassed a considerable library of videos …
Mamavation’s Top 100 Healthy Recipe Blogs
When you’re looking for healthy and delicious recipes, it can get quite overwhelming! There are hundreds and hundreds of recipe blogs out there that claim to be healthy, but still share recipes that are full of refined sugars and processed foods. We've already brought you the Top 100 Healthy Mom Blogs, but we couldn't stop there! We had to bring …
Benefits of CBD Oil and Do the Medicinal Properties of Marijuana Make You High?
CBD oil is becoming popular for treating everything from anxiety to multiple sclerosis. Marijuana (technically a slang term for the cannabis plant) has a long history in America, dating back to King James’ decree to colonists to grow the hemp plant, one of George Washington’s main crops. It has been transformed through early pharmaceutical use, …
Breast Cancer: Tales From Two Survivors
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed form of cancer in women worldwide. According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s website, the latest research available shows that globally, breast cancer represents one in four of all cancers in women. It accounts for the most frequently diagnosed cancer in 140 of 184 countries across the …
Foods That Have GMOs: Update & Investigation
Products and foods that have GMOs – genetically modified organisms – have been a topic of debate in recent years. The Non-GMO Project defines a GMO as "a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified using...gene splicing, gene modification or transgenic technology." This is not like the …
6 Things You Should Stop Giving F*cks About Right Now: The Happiness Zappers That Are Holding You Back
We all have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé, so why does it feel like most days are leaving you tired and uninspired with little to show for it? Yes, a full staff of assistants, nannies, and caterers-to-all-your-needs would help, but having a solid list of priorities that deserve your energy would also help you to stay focused on your goals and your …
Toxic Packaging: Are Fast Food Wrappers Hurting Your Family?
We moms all know that fast foods are not healthy, but every now and then, most of us allow our families to cheat. Whether it’s picking up a GMO free dinner at fast food alternative Chipotle or indulging with a cup of Starbucks, we know that keeping things in moderation is usually safe. But did you know that your family actually be getting an extra …