When you embark on a real food journey, part of that trip means making sure your family is getting enough the right vitamins and minerals. To ensure that we are, most of us take a multivitamin, but beware: not all supplements are created equal. In fact, some toxic vitamins even contain ingredients that you have probably been trying to …
Budget Friendly Organic Shopping List
Last week we discussed some tips on How to Eat Organic on the Cheap, and this week I'm going to walk you through the process from list to serving dish. You'll get 3 delicious, healthy, and organic meals to feed a family of four all for under $25 if you follow this week's organic shopping list! I sat down, armed with my local store's weekly ads, …
How to Eat Organic on the Cheap
Eating organic is no longer a fad, it's a full blown movement. "Organic food sales are increasing by double digits annually, and more than 80 percent of parents reported buying organic food for their families last year,” said Laura Batcha, Interim Co-Executive Director for OTA. This shift towards organic makes sense considering the benefits. Not …
Top 10 Toxins that May Be Lowering Your Child’s IQ Right Now
Increased exposure to toxins in and around our homes caused by everyday products like nail polish and the beds we sleep on can lead to ADHD, lowered IQ, and other neurological problems that can harm your child's brain. From pregnancy through the first 5 years of life, children are far more susceptible to damage and health problems caused by these …
Water at Risk: The Dangers to Your Family’s Drinking Water
Water is our planet's most precious resource. It cannot be replaced; only cleaned and recycled, and it is the basis for all life. But Earth’s water is in crisis now. All over the world, access to potable water is in jeopardy - even right here in the U.S. Here are the major drinking water dangers and what you can do about them: The Problem: Water …
What To Do if You Suspect Asbestos
This week on Mamavation TV, we heard a touching story from our guest, Heather Von St. James. She is a survivor of a rare form of cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma. What makes her story unique, is how she was exposed to the cancer-causing asbestos. Heather's childhood memories of greeting her father after work and wearing his coat that was …
Back to School: Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly School Supplies
Now that the kids are ready to go back to school, it's time to answer this question: Is it possible to get the kids back to school without toxic school supplies in their backpacks? Typical school supplies and gear often contain a mix of chemicals associated with cancers, birth defects and other medical and physical troubles for children. The …
After Asbestos: Surviving Mesothelioma
This week on Mamavation TV, we will again be talking about dangerous toxins that may be in your home. We will cover how to stay safe, even during home renovations. This topic would not be complete without discussing asbestos, a known carcinogen. Mesothelioma is the aggressive form of cancer caused by inhalation and exposure to asbestos affecting …
5 Tips to Keep Your Home Lead Safe
The past few weeks on Mamavation TV we've been delving deeper into environmental toxins. This week's focus was lead — something that has been a recognized danger for hundreds of years. Our guest, Tamara Rubin, shared her personal experience as a mother of lead poisoned children and her move into activism. She has devoted her time to educating …
The War on Organics: Who’s Fighting It and How to Protect Your Family
There’s a war going on in this country, and while it’s not being fought with weapons, it is being waged with marketing, misdirection and outright lies. “Big AG”, America’s top agricultural and biochemistry firms, are leading an assault on organics, non-GMO foods, proper labeling and healthy choices. They are seeking to protect their profits as …
Is Lead Lurking in Your Home?
Imagine there was an epidemic that was linked to the rising rates of ADD, ADHD, and Autism and it was affecting 1 in 3 children in the country. Then imagine you learned that this epidemic was caused by toxins inside people's very own homes. What if lead poisoning was 100 times more likely than you'd think? You'd expect to hear about it on every …
Killing You Softly: the Dangers of Lanolin Around Breastfeeding Infants
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you’ve probably been recommended to use personal care products containing lanolin to ease sore or cracked nipples from breastfeeding by healthcare providers. The FDA has approved lanolin for use in many products, such as cosmetics, lip balm, and nipple cream, but is lanolin really safe for you – and more …