Are you looking for bread, oats, legumes, protein powders, & bars “free-from” toxic glyphosate contamination? Glyphosate, a broad-spectrum herbicide classified as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO), has been found in popular foods according to a recent study. Pre-harvest spraying of Monsanto’s glyphosate could be leading to contamination in healthy foods. Would you like to know which brands and products were tested and found to have high levels of glyphosate?
You’ve trusted Mamavation to bring you topics like green beauty makeup sans PFAS “forever chemicals, best organic mattresses, & store-bought ketchup sans PFAS “forever chemicals,” now join us for a consumer study looking at detectable glyphosate in foods like bread, oats, legumes, protein powder, snacks & bars. If you find yourself too excited to read through everything, simply scroll down to the bottom for the results.
Disclosure: This post was medically reviewed by Sondra Strand, RN, BSN, PHN. This post also contains affiliate links.
Table of Contents
Detox Project Releases Glyphosate Consumer Study for 2022
The Detox Project, which certifies food products “Glyphosate Residue-Free“, has released a new study The Poison in Our Daily Bread on some of the most popular foods families purchase every day: bread, oats & barley, legumes, protein powder, snacks, & bars. They collected several products, mostly from local grocery stores, and then from Amazon, and sent them all off to an EPA-certified laboratory to check for traces of the active ingredient in Roundup Weedkiller, glyphosate.
Most of the products purchased and tested were considered “healthy” or used marketing that claims to have some type of health benefit, such as whole wheat, oats, and dry edible beans, such as chickpeas, lentils, black beans, etc. These foods are also a major part of a plant-based diet, which does not bode well for vegans and vegetarians.
Here are the main points of what was found in this consumer study:
- More than half of products tested had detectable levels of glyphosate above 10 parts per billion (ppb)
- 45 out of 86 products contained detectable levels of glyphosate
- Ranges were from 12 parts per billion (ppb) to 1,150 parts per billion (ppb)
- Organic foods are much less likely to have trace amounts of glyphosate, however, it is appearing in low levels in some cases.
There were also additional findings that were quite surprising.
Non-GMO & USDA Organic Products May Have Traces of Glyphosate
What’s surprising to some is when Non-GMO Verified and USDA Organic foods are found to have traces of glyphosate. This should not be as surprising for Non-GMO Verified foods, who are only certifying they are non-GMO but are not telling you anything about the pesticide use of the product to combat weeds. It’s clearly demonstrated here that non-GMO foods can have traces of glyphosate.
What is more surprising is finding foods with USDA organic certification with trace amounts of the herbicide glyphosate because glyphosate is prohibited in the organic standards as a form of weed control. However, when USDA organic foods were found to have traces of glyphosate, the levels were far lower than other products.
- CONVENTIONAL FOODS: 23 out of 37 products contained glyphosate ranging from 20 ppb to 1,150 ppb
- NON-GMO FOODS: 18 out of 26 products contained glyphosate ranging from 12 ppb to 1,040 ppb
- ORGANIC FOODS: 5 out of 23 products contained glyphosate ranging from 13 ppb to 54 ppb
Why Is Glyphosate Found In Such High Levels in Popular Foods, Including USDA Organic?
According to the Detox Project, pre-harvest desiccation could be the reason why glyphosate is found in such high amounts in healthy foods. What is pre-harvest desiccation? This is when glyphosate is sprayed on crops in the late season just before they are due to be harvested. The extra spraying of glyphosate works to dry out the crops in the field early and thus it shortens the time they are in the field. This saves money and resources for the farmer and food companies, which is why it’s done. But at what cost do consumers pay for early crop drying? Glyphosate has staying power and persists on the food and can be found in higher levels because of this practice.
The foods that were purchased and tested in this study were from crops that are more likely to be desiccated, like wheat, chickpeas, yellow peas, & other beans. This clearly shows that the practice of desiccation is an unacceptable risk for consumers, especially those with compromised immune systems and limited budgets, and thus this practice should be banned.
As for organic food products, it’s significantly less likely to find glyphosate residue, however, it is happening. Henry Rowlands from the Detox Project surmises it’s because of contamination in the supply chain or drift from a nearby field where glyphosate is sprayed.
Glyphosate Levels Found via Grocery Store
Products were purchased from many stores in Boulder, Colorado, and then what was not found in those stores was purchased from Amazon. Here’s a list of how the in-person stores ranged in terms of glyphosate residue levels. As you can clearly see, Target and Natural Grocers fared the best in terms of ranges.
- HyVee: products ranged from 117 ppb to 1,150 ppb glyphosate
- Whole Foods Market: products ranged from 12 ppb to 1,040 ppb glyphosate
- Walmart: products ranged from 54 ppb to 889 ppb glyphosate
- Target: products ranged from 17 ppb to 348 ppb glyphosate
- Natural Grocers: products ranged from 26 ppb to 144 ppb glyphosate
Glyphosate Is Problematic to Human Health & Use Has Skyrocketed
The use of glyphosate spraying skyrocketed with the introduction of genetically engineered Roundup Ready crops, such as GMO corn, soybeans, cotton, canola, & sugar beets. It was first approved in 1996 under the Clinton administration. In contrast, in 1995 farmers were using 40 million pounds of glyphosate, but by 2014 that number has increased to 280-290 million pounds according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). More recently, since 1992 Midwestern corn and soybean farmers have increased their usage of glyphosate nearly 40 times and by 2016 were using a total of 188.7 million pounds.
This is very problematic to the surrounding community because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) found glyphosate is linked to cancer in humans, thus making it a human carcinogen. In addition to cancer, scientists have linked glyphosate exposure to the following human health risks:
- Harms beneficial gut bacteria
- Birth defects
- Infertility
- Reproductive issues, such as miscarriages
- Shorter pregnancies
- Increased infant mortality
- Certain cancers, like non-Hodgkin lymphoma and breast cancer
- Liver and kidney damage with exposure as low as 0.05 parts per billion (ppb) and linked to altering gene function of over 4,000 genes in the kidneys and livers of rats at 0.1 parts per billion (ppb) from glyphosate formulations.
Mamavation’s Investigation on Contamination in Bread, Legumes, Oats, Protein Power, Snacks, & Bars
Mamavation is taking the raw data from the recent report, pulling it out, and categorizing it into three categories: “not our favorite”, then “better” and finally “best.” We then added additional products and brands that also go through this same testing to determine they are “glyphosate residue-free” from The Detox Project.
- Not Our Favorite: These brands were found to have detectable glyphosate residue above 10 ppb by the laboratory the Detox Project commissioned.
- Better: These brands were not found to have detectable glyphosate residue above 10 ppb. We also added additional brands that are certified “glyphosate residue-free” by going through this same process 3x a year. However, these brands are not organic and can contain traces of other pesticides.
- Best: These brands were not found to have detectable glyphosate residue above 10 ppb. We also added additional organic brands that are also certified “glyphosate residue-free” by going through this same process 3x a year.
Not Our Favorite Brands
Overall “Not Our Favorite” Most Contaminated Brands
Testing was carried out by The Detox Project, which certifies products “Glyphosate Residue-Free”, by using mass spectrometry method at a third-party EPA-certified lab. These brands had the top 15 highest levels of glyphosate according to the report.
- Village Hearth 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from HyVee) — 1,150 parts per billion (ppb)
- 365 Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread (from Whole Foods Market) — 1,040 parts per billion (ppb)
- Great Value Chickpeas (from Walmart) — 889 parts per billion (ppb)
- Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Grain Wheat Bread (from HyVee) — 587 parts per billion (ppb)
- Quaker Oats (from HyVee) — 535 parts per billion (ppb)
- Pepperidge Farm Jewish Rye & Pumpernickel Deli Swirl Bread (from HyVee) — 531 parts per billion (ppb)
- Market Pantry 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread (from Target) — 348 parts per billion (ppb)
- Great Value 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from Walmart) — 340 parts per billion (ppb)
- Off The Eaten Path Rice, Peas, & Black Beans (from Target) — 301 parts per billion (ppb)
- Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from Target) — 284 parts per billion (ppb)
- HyVee Garbanzo Beans (from HyVee) — 246 parts per billion (ppb)
- The Grainery Fresh Milled Oats (from HyVee) — 214 parts per billion (ppb)
- HyVee 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from HyVee) — 211 parts per billion (ppb)
- Good & Gather Green Spilt Peas (from Target) — 168 parts per billion (ppb)
- Great Value Chickpeas (from Walmart) — 165 parts per billion (ppb)
Not Our Favorite Bread (Wheat & Rye)
- Village Hearth 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from HyVee) — 1,150 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- 365 Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread (from Whole Foods Market) — 1,040 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Grain Whole Wheat Bread (from HyVee) — 587 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Pepperidge Farm Jewish Rye & Pumpernickel Deli Swirl Bread (from HyVee) — 531 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Market Pantry 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread (from Target) — 348 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Great Value 100% Whole Wheat (from Walmart) — 340 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from Target) — 284 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- HyVee 100% Whole Wheat Bread (from HyVee) — 211 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- HyVee Seeded Hearty Rye Bread (from HyVee) — 88 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Great Value Wheat Bread (from Walmart) — 63 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Big Sky Bread Honey Whole Wheat (from Whole Foods Market) — 42 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Brownberry Oatnut Whole Grains Bread (from Target) — 17 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Angelic Bakehouse 7-Grain Sprouted Wholegrain (from Whole Foods Market) — 12 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Angelic Bakehouse 7-Grain Bread Sprouted Wholegrain Rye Bread (from Whole Foods Market) — 12 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
Not Our Favorite Oats & Barley
- Quaker Oats (from HyVee) — 535 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- The Grainery Fresh Milled Oats (from HyVee) — 214 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- General Mills CheeriOats (aka Cheerios from Target) — 118 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Organic Thick Rolled Oats (from Natural Grocers) — 26 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Whole Foods Market Organic Steel Cut Oats (from Whole Foods) — 13 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- 365 Barley & Lentils (from Whole Foods Market) — 134 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
Not Our Favorite Legumes
- Great Value Chickpeas (from Walmart) — 889 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate (2nd sample 165 ppb)
- HyVee Lentils (from HyVee) — 535 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Off the Eaten Path Rice, Peas, & Black Beans (from Target) — 301 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- HyVee Garbanzo beans (from Hyvee) — 246 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Good & Gather Green Split Peas (from Target) — 168 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Red Lentils (from Natural Grocers) — 144 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Good & Gather Garbanzo Beans (from Target) — 124 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Great Value Black Beans (from Walmart) — 82 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Bob’s Red Mill Chickpea Flour (from Target) — 62 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Bob’s Red Mill Red Lentils (from Whole Foods Market) — 57 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Great Value Green Split Peas (from Walmart) — 55 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Great Value Pinto Beans (from Walmart) — 54 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Good & Gather Lentils (from Target) — 50 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- 356 Organic Split Peas (from Whole Foods Market) — 49 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Off the Eaten Path Chickpeas & Black Beans (from Target) — 38 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Pinto Beans (from Natural Grocers) — 31 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- HyVee Pinto Beans (from HyVee) — 27 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Good & Gather Pinto Beans (from Target) — 18 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Full Circle Organic Garbanzo Beans (from HyVee) — 17 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
Not Our Favorite Protein Powders
- Onnit Plant-Based Protein Chocolate (from Amazon) — 134 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Nature’s Best Plant-Based Vegan Protein Powder (from Amazon) — 70 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit Powder Chocolate (from Amazon) — 54 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Vega One All-in-One Nutritional Shake Chocolate (from Amazon) — 54 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Now Sports Nutrition Pea Protein (from Amazon) — 29 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Whole Foods Own Brand Plant-Based Powder (from Whole Foods Market) — 31 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Kachava Meal Replacement Shake (from Amazon) — 37 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
Not Our Favorite Energy Bars
- Nature Valley Chewy Granola Bars Protein Variety Pack (from Amazon) — 20 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
- Think! High Protein Bars (from Amazon) — 14 parts per billion (ppb) glyphosate
Better Brands
These brands did not have any detectable glyphosate in their product when tested via the Detox Project for this consumer study. To make this list more consumer-friendly and give you more options, we have also added additional products that are tested 3x per year in a similar manner and certified by The Detox Project to be “glyphosate residue-free.” However, these brands are not organic and therefore could have other types of pesticide residue present that have not been tested for.
Better Bread
- Silver Hills Sprouted Bakery Sprouted Powder Little Big Bread (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- Soozy’s Grain-Free Bakery–Bread, Donuts & Muffins: Soozy’s Grain-Free Maple Donut, Soozy’s Grain-Free Cinnamon Donut, Soozy’s Grain-Free Double Chocolate Donut, Soozy’s Grain-Free Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin, Soozy’s Grain-Free Double Chocolate Muffin, Soozy’s Grain-Free Matcha Green Tea Muffin, Soozy’s Grain-Free Wild Blueberry Muffin, Soozy’s Grain-Free Bakery: The Original Bread Half Loaf, Soozy’s Grain-Free Superseed Bread Half Loaf, Soozy’s Grain-Free Original Bagel
Better Oats & Barley
- HyVee Old Fashioned Oats (from HyVee) — non-detect glyphosate
- Good & Gather Pearled Barley (from Target) — non-detect glyphosate
- Bobo’s Original Oat Bar (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- Bobo’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oat Bar (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Laird Superfood Oatmeal: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Trail Mix Fix Oatmeal, How Bout Dem Apples Oatmeal
- Oatley Oatmilk & Oat Ice Cream: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Oatly Original Oat-milk, Oatly Low Fat Oat-milk, Oatly Full Fat Oat-milk, Oatly Chocolate Oat-milk, Oatly Barista Edition Oat-milk, Oatly Frozen Dessert Vanilla, Oatly Frozen Dessert Chocolate, Oatly Frozen Dessert Strawberry, Oatly Frozen Dessert Coffee, Oatly Frozen Dessert Mint Chip, Oatly Frozen Dessert Oat, Oatly Chocolate chip Frozen Dessert pint, Oatly Strawberry Oatgurt, Oatly Peach Oatgurt, Oatly Black Cherry Oatgurt, Oatly Plain Oatgurt, Oatly Mixed Berry Oatgurt, Oatly Fudge Brownie Frozen Dessert, Oatly Raspberry Swirl Frozen Dessert, Oatly Soft Serve Vanilla, Oatly Soft Serve Chocolate, Oatly Frozen Bar Vanilla, Oatly Frozen Bar Chocolate Fudge, Oatly Frozen Bar Salted Caramel, Oatly Frozen Bar Strawberry Swirl
- MUSH Overnight Oats: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. MUSH Overnight Oats Vanilla Bean, MUSH Overnight Oats Dark Chocolate, MUSH Overnight Oats Apple Pie, MUSH Overnight Oats Coffee + Coconut Cream, MUSH Overnight Oats Wild Blueberry
- Planet Oat Oatmilks: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Planet Oat Original Oatmilk, Planet Oat Vanilla Oatmilk, Planet Oat Dark Chocolate Oatmilk, Planet Oat Extra Creamy Oatmilk
- Chobani Oat Milk: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Chobani Oat Milk Plain, Chobani Oat Milk Vanilla, Chobani Oat Milk Plain Extra Creamy, Chobani Oat Milk Barista, Chobani Oat Milk Barista (Retail), Chobani Oat Blend Blueberry Pomegranate, Chobani Oat Blend Peach Mandarin, Chobani Oat Blend Vanilla, Chobani Oat Blend Strawberry Vanilla, Chobani Oat Blend Blueberry Pomegranate (Canada), Chobani Oat Blend Straw Vanilla (Canada), Chobani Oat Blend Vanilla (Canada), Chobani Oat Blend Vanilla, Chobani Oat Coffee Original, Chobani Oat Creamer Original, Chobani Oat Creamer Vanilla, Chobani Oat Milk Barista (Canada), Chobani Oat Milk Zero Sugar Plain, Chobani Oat Milk Zero Sugar Vanilla
- Malibu Mylk Oat Milk: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Malibu mylk Organic Oat + Flax Mylk Unsweetened.
- Heavenly Hunks Oatmeal Cookies: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Organic Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Heavenly Hunks, Organic Almond Butter Chocolate Heavenly Hunks, Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Heavenly Hunks (Canada), Organic Birthday Cake Heavenly Hunks, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Heavenly Hunks, Oatmeal White Chip Heavenly Hunks, Peanut Butter Chocolate Heavenly Hunks, Cranberry White Chip Heavenly Hunks, Birthday Cake Heavenly Hunks, Organic Snickerdoodle Heavenly Hunks
- BackRoads Granola & Oats: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Coconut Crunch Granola, Coconut Ginger Granola, Maple Pecan Granola, Maple Spice Granola, Ancient Grains Granola, Dark Chocolate Pecan Granola, Gluten-Free Granola, Maple Cranberry Granola, Original Granola, Just Oats
- Elmhurst Oatmilks: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Elmhurst Milked Oats Unsweetened, Elmhurst Milked Oats, Elmhurst Milked Oats Chocolate, Elmhurst Milked Oats Blueberry, Elmhurst Milked Oat Barista, Elmhurst Milked Hemp Barista, Elmhurst Oat Creamer French Vanilla, Elmhurst Oat Creamer Hazelnut, Elmhurst Oat Creamer Chai Spice, Elmhurst Oat Creamer Unsweetened, Elmhurst Oat Creamer Pistachio, Elmhurst Oat Creamer Caramel Macchiato, Elmhurst Oat Creamer Pumpkin Spice, Elmhurst Oat Latte Matcha, Elmhurst Oat Latte Flash Brew, Elmhurst Oat Nog
- Calafia Oatmilks: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Extra Creamy Oatmilk, Vanilla Oatmilk, Original Protein Oatmilk, Vanilla Protein Oatmilk, Oat Barista Blend, Club Oat Barista Blend, Café Oat Barista, Unsweetened Oat Creamer, Vanilla Oat Creamer, Hazelnut Oat Creamer, Nitro Draft XX Espresso Oat Latte, Nitro Draft Salted Caramel Oat Latte, Zero Sugar Oatmilk, Oat + Almond Plantmilk Blend, Cinnamon Roll Oat Creamer, Caramel Oat Latte
Better Legumes
- HyVee Black Eyed Peas (from HyVee) — non-detect glyphosate
- HyVee Lentils (from HyVee) — non-detect glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Green Lentils (from Natural Grocers) — non-detect glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Green Split Peas (from Natural Grocers) — non-detect glyphosate
- Good & Gather Blackeye Peas (from Target) — non-detect glyphosate
- Good & Gather Great Northern Beans (from Target) — non-detect glyphosate
- Great Value Great Northern Beans (from Walmart) — non-detect glyphosate
Better Vegan Protein Powders
- PEScience Select Vegan Plant-Based Protein Powder (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Plantfusion Complete Plant-Based Pea Protein Powder (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
Better Energy Bars & Snacks
- Bobo’s Original Oat Bar (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- Bobo’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oat Bar (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Clif Whey Protein-Gluten Free Snack Bars Variety Pack (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Kind Health Snack Bar Blueberry Vanilla Cashew (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Kind Healthy Snack Bar Caramel Almonds & Sea Salt (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Larabar Fruit & Nut Bar Lemon Gluten-Free Vegan (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Larabar Gluten Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- No Cow Protein Bars Peanut Butter Lovers Pack (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Oatmega Protein Bars Chocolate Brownie (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Onnit Protein Bar Vanilla Almond (from Onnit directly) — non-detect glyphosate
- Pure Protein Bars High Protein (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Primal Kitchen Macadamia Sea Salt Collagen Protein Bars (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Vega Protein Snack Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
Best Brands
This list comprises brands that were determined to have no detectable glyphosate and are certified USDA organic. We’ve also included brands that are USDA certified organic that have “glyphosate residue-free” certification which tests their products three times annually. We’ve done this to give you more options to choose from when purchasing and we will make sure to note that for each product you see.
Best Bread & Pasta
- Dave’s Killer Bread Organic Sprouted Whole Grains Thin-Sliced Bread (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- Jovial Foods Pasta: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Whole Wheat Einkorn Spaghetti, Whole Wheat Einkorn Linguine, Whole Wheat Einkorn Penne Rigate, Whole Wheat Einkorn Fusilli, Whole Wheat Einkorn Rigatoni, Einkorn Spaghetti, Einkorn Penne Rigate, Einkorn Fusilli, All-Purpose Einkorn Flour, All-Purpose Einkorn Flour Bulk, Whole Wheat Einkorn Flour, Einkorn Wheat Berries, Einkorn Wheat Berries Bulk
- BioNaturae Pasta: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. Organic Semolina Pasta – LASAGNE, Organic Semolina Pasta – CAPELLINI, Organic Semolina Pasta – LINGUINE, Organic Semolina Pasta – SPAGHETTI, Organic Semolina Pasta – RIGATONI, Organic Semolina Pasta – PENNE RIGATE, Organic Semolina Pasta – FUSILLI, Organic Semolina Pasta – CHIOCCIOLE, Organic Whole Wheat Semolina Pasta – SPAGHETTI, Organic Whole Wheat Semolina Pasta – FUSILLI, Organic Whole Wheat Semolina Pasta – PENNE RIGATE
Best Oats & Barley
- 365 Organic Italian Barley (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- Whole Foods Market Organic Rolled Oats (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Almond Cow Organic Whole Grain Oats: Product found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project.
- Zego Double Protein Oats: Brand hosts glyphosate testing results of each batch tested online. (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
Best Legumes
- 365 Organic Green Lentils (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- 365 Organic Red Lentils (from Whole Foods Market) — non-detect glyphosate
- Farmer Direct Organic Garbanzo Beans (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Farmer Direct Organic Pinto Beans (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Mountain High Organics Organic Green Lentils (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Mountain High Organics Organic Red Split Lentils (from Whole Foods) — non-detect glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Organic Garbanzo Beans (from Natural Grocers) — non-detect glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Organic Green Lentils (from Natural Grocers) — non-detect glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Organic Pinto Beans (from Natural Grocers) — non-detect glyphosate
- Natural Grocers Organic Soy Beans (from Natural Grocers) — non-detect glyphosate
- Puris Pantry: Products found non-detect for glyphosate residue via certification of the Detox Project. PURIS Pantry Organic Pea Protein Powder, PURIS Pantry Organic Low Sodium Pea Protein Powder
Best Vegan Protein Powder
- KOS Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate
- Orgain Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder Chocolate (from Amazon) — non-detect glyphosate (tested by Mamavation in 2021)
- Zego Vegan Protein Powder — this brand hosts glyphosate testing of each batch on website. (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
Best Snack & Energy Bars
- Tosi Superbites: Almond SuperBites, Cashew SuperBites, Blueberry Almond SuperBites, Blueberry Cashew SuperBites, Cashew Coconut SuperBites, Almond Dragonfruit SuperBites, Peanut SuperBites, Peanut Dark Chocolate SuperBites
- Rebel Kitchen: Rebel Kitchen Organic Chocolate Coconut Bytes, Rebel Kitchen Organic Caramel Coconut Bytes
- Zego Fruit Protein Bar Apple Cinnamon — this brand hosts glyphosate testing of each batch on website (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
- Zego Fruit Protein Bar Rasberry Chia — this brand hosts glyphosate testing of each batch on website (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
- Zego Fruit Protein Bar Cherry — this brand hosts glyphosate testing of each batch on website (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
- Zego Fruit Protein Bar Pear — this brand hosts glyphosate testing of each batch on website (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
- Zego Fruit Protein Bar Rasberry — this brand hosts glyphosate testing of each batch on website (Use discount code “mamavation15” for 15% off products!)
Thank you for the information! I live near a store whihc sells The Grainery Fresh Milled Oats, and I thought since it was fresh milled it was safe, and have been eating them for years as a diet staple as I am gluten free. NOw your list can be helpful, but some links are outdated and “currently unavailable,” some are for other states which have stores which sell the products but they do not ship out of state. Many other products are cost prohibitive on a limited budget. I went to the grocery store and began weeping, as there was “food, food everywere, but nothing you can eat.” I am at the wits end with this, it is not your fault, you are trying to warn people! But there would need to be more products tested and more information given consumers that is simpy not available right now, (which is not your fault). I currently eat a number of products I canont find testing for and which have not been tested or included in any testing done by consumer reports, consumer lab, lead safe mama, your site and others….It’s just too many products and not enough peole to test them yet. This is so disheartening, and I just have to resort to eat things I should not b/c I simply cannot afford the more expensive alternatives. some lists all teh products are no longer available out of state or there 2 or 3 items that are too expensive. So sorry, and devastated as many peole are!
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It’s fantastic to see such a detailed breakdown of glyphosate-free food options, especially when it comes to bread, pasta, and oats. This information is incredibly helpful for anyone concerned about the quality of their food. As I was exploring options to improve my own health, I found a great resource for those seeking hormone health solutions. If you’re looking for the best testosterone replacement therapy doctor near you, check out this guide: It provides useful insights and recommendations based on personal experience, making it a solid choice for anyone navigating their healthcare journey.
I find the information shared about glyphosate in popular foods really eye-opening! It’s concerning to think about how common products like bread, oats, and protein bars could be contaminated with this herbicide. If you’re looking for a solution to maintain your health while ensuring you’re getting the right treatments, I highly recommend checking out this detailed guide on finding the best testosterone replacement therapy doctor near you: It’s a great resource for those who want to ensure they’re getting the best care for their hormone health. Based on my own experience, it’s a valuable tool when you’re navigating healthcare choices.
what about plutonium?
I find the information shared about glyphosate in popular foods really eye-opening! It’s concerning to think about how common products like bread, oats, and protein bars could be contaminated with this herbicide. If you’re looking for a solution to maintain your health while ensuring you’re getting the right treatments, I highly recommend checking out this detailed guide on finding the best testosterone replacement therapy doctor near you: It’s a great resource for those who want to ensure they’re getting the best care for their hormone health. Based on my own experience, it’s a valuable tool when you’re navigating healthcare choices.
Thanks for all that you do!
Have you tested the TruRoots Organic Sprouted Lentil Blend — it is Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified.
Is this study from when Whole Foods was single-owned before it became a subsidiary of Amazon? Does Amazon still have pure brands, or have they sold out?
There are many articles saying KOS as forever PFAS. True?
what about organic quick oats by whole foods 365
I would really love to know the answer to this too.
Should be okay – the only extra treatment is the oats are flattened to cool more quick so glyphosate should not be entering
the oats via the machinery.
Hi was wondering about natures bakery bars? And what brand of steel cut oatmeal is safe?
Glophosate awareness is one quarter of a larger picture.
The body produces nitric oxide which in simplified terms is ANTI-aging.
As the body ages, it produces less.
Four chemicals interact with nitric oxide to ACCELERATE aging.
1. Glyphosate (insecticide)
2. Fluoride (water and toothpaste)
3. Chlorine (water)
4. Bromine/ Bromide (baked goods)*
* Also blocks Iodine receptors
This info is readily found online.
No replies necessary.
Please do your own research.
what about Purium?
Purium has a glyphosate residue-free certification from the Detox Project so they are tested 2-3x per year for glyphosate.
What about products at ALDIs?
Did you ever get an answer about Aldi products? We use the Aldi organic bread.
IDK about the glyphosate, but the ALDI organic bread is really high in sugar! Crazy levels!
Yes, please let us know! This is where many people shop. Thanks for all the good work. 🙂
Unfortunately the TosiBites have astounding levels of Acrylamide.
Can you do flour? I make my own bread and I’m using King Arthur organic flower.
Thank you so much for your great detective work! I will pass on this info to friends and family.
I recently switched from cow’s milk to Organic Pacific Oat milk. I didn’t see any of their products listed. Any chance of getting info on that product? MANY THANKS
Interesting to see a few Walmart brands are ok. Shocker.
Any results on the other Dave’s killer bread beside the sprouted? Thank you for doing this very important study
Also wondery about other Dave’s killer bread from costco
A 2016 lab report by the Alliance for Natural Health found Dave’s to be super high in glyphosate! 136.4 ppb specifically. It’s great that this 2022 study found the sprouted bread to be glyphosate-free, but I would not eat it because of the detrimental seed oils it contains.
I do know most of Dave’s killer breads have canola oil and/or other PUFA’s. If you eat PUFA’s then I believe the others are safe.
Are One Source brand oats still glyphosate free?
Was wondering the same thing. On there package they still have the glysophated free stamp….
Great list, thanks. But mostly useless, as I have never ever SEEN most of these products listed here. I guess someone sells them somewhere, but the three stores I shop at, I haven’t seen 3 out of 4 of these products ever
That was rude. Leah works hard on these lists and just because these products are not where YOU live doesn’t mean that the lists aren’t helpful. Apparently everyone on this site needs to live where you live….
Agreed! Thanks for calling out the rude comment.
Wow! This is an eye opener- guess we’ll all get eating a big bowl of steam from now on! 😭 I ALSO was wondering about Aldi. We shop on a budget and although I make a fair amount of our food home made- what about the frozen items, snacks, etc. With this AND the Bio- Engineered foods- I think we might just have to die of starvation, or remortgage the house just trying to feed my family 🙄😮💨
Hey Karen’s. Commenter was making a valid point not attacking author personally. Get a life.
I appreciate so much what Leah does and it has been very helpful to me. However, I agree with you because most of these brands are hard, if not impossible to find depending on where you live. It’s very hard to go to 10 stores looking for the right brands.
I’m also curious about Garden of Life Protein Powder Vanilla??? Great review! Thank you!
Are Simple Truth bread and oats still ok??
Are Simple Truth bread and oats still ok??
No Ezekiel?
I was wondering this as well!!
Are Simple Truth bread and oats still ok??
How does Bob’s Red Mill products, especially the Non GMO but not organically certified rank with the glyphosate? somebody please answer. or am i considered toxic?
I saw an article saying they were almost non existent level of roudup so basically good?
Do we have any information on Eden Organic beans ? All their varieties I’d be interested in but particularly their organic chickpeas ?
I’m not affiliated with this site at all but I read that Eden Organic was tested free: “While some argue there are no safe chickpeas, Eden Organic chickpeas which are grown in the U.S.A. were tested and found to be glyphosate-free.”,found%20to%20be%20glyphosate%2Dfree.
I appreciate this article especially because I’ve had breast cancer twice, but reading through it, none of the brands I buy are mentioned. I shop mostly from Trader Joe’s and also get Ezikiel bread (from different places but mostly at Sprouts Mkt)
Did you test any vegan protein powders that aren’t chocolate?