Does Organic Valley Sweet Cream Salted Butter wrappers contain indications of PFAS “forever chemicals?” Mamavation sent additional samples of butter wrappers to the lab after finding Kerrygold wrappers had indications of PFAS. You’ve trusted Mamavation to bring you topics like dental floss tested for indications of PFAS, green beauty makeup tested for indications of PFAS, and best cookware sans PFAS, now join us for the lab results of Organic Valley Sweet Cream Salted Butter food packaging.
Disclosure: This post was medically reviewed by Sondra Strand, RN, BSN, PHN. This post also contains affiliate links.
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Health Effects Linked to Exposure to PFAS “Forever Chemicals”
PFAS “forever chemicals” are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances used as stain-resistant, water-resistant, & oil-resistant chemicals in commerce. They have been used for decades inside consumer products, manufacturing, and building materials. There are over 12,000 different chemicals in the PFAS chemical class (including PFOA & PTFE), and because there are so many of them, they are incredibly hard to identify and test for.
PFAS “forever chemicals” are problematic to human health and the environment. They are considered persistent, ubiquitous, and toxic, and therefore, it’s important you avoid them as much as you can to keep them from building up in our bodies. Many compounds can last for years in our bodies, therefore, it’s imperative to reduce the amount of PFAS you are exposed to from contaminated food and water.
Here’s a list of health effects PFAS chemicals are linked to presently according to our scientific advisor and Former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program, Linda Birnbaum:
- reduction in immunity
- reduced vaccination response
- increased risk of allergies & asthma in young children
- affect the growth, learning, and behavior of infants and older children
- increase cholesterol levels
- metabolic diseases like obesity & diabetes
- cardiovascular disease
- lower a woman’s chance of getting pregnant
- lowers male fertility
- increase the risk of kidney & testicular cancers
- Causes endocrine disruption
- Disrupts normal thyroid function
Mamavation Finds Traces of PFAS “Forever Chemicals” In Other Adjacent Industries
PFAS, otherwise known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (aka PFCs or perfluorinated chemicals, including PFOA and PFOS) are added to many products we purchase to make them “stain-resistant,” “grease-proof,” and “water-resistant.”
As we are writing this, Mamavation has finished 16 consumer studies looking for indications of PFAS inside everyday items and food we bring into our homes. In these studies, we have learned quite a bit about where PFAS chemicals hide in everyday products. Learn more about our other PFAS consumer studies here:
- Nut Butters
- Pasta & Tomato Sauce
- Cooking Oils
- Activewear
- Sports Bras
- Green Beauty Makeup
- Period Underwear
- Ketchup
- Parchment Paper
- Bamboo Flooring
- Toilet Paper
- Tampons
- Sanitary Pads & Incontinence Pads
- Dental Floss
- Baby Strollers
- Children’s Probiotics
Other Industries Using PFAS “Forever Chemicals”
PFAS chemicals have been used for decades to create stain resistance, water resistance, and grease-proof qualities in products to which they are added. If you’ve heard of coatings such as “Teflon” on cookware, fabrics made from “Gore-Tex” or treatments on carpets like STAINMASTER®, you’ve already heard about PFAS chemicals. Here’s more of what you may not have been aware of:
- Textiles & Fabrics: PFAS chemicals are very commonly found in industries such as textiles & fabrics to create stain-resistance, water-resistance, or “sweat-wicking.” To help you here, Mamavation has tested athletic wear, sports bras, and period underwear. We’ve also conducted other consumer studies on bedding, children’s clothing, infant car seats, jackets, & raincoats.
- Food Packaging: In food packaging, they are used in popcorn bags, pizza boxes, fast food wrappers & canisters, and the flat dish on the bottom of cakes at the grocery store. Mamavation has also tested different parchment paper brands for indications of PFAS.
- Personal Care Products: The beauty industry has been notoriously guilty of using PFAS to create a waterproof or long-lasting effect in makeup products. So Mamavation tested the most popular green beauty makeup brands, and we have also found some issues with period underwear, tampons, and sanitary pads. We also found quite a bit of detection in dental floss.
- Toilet Paper: Mamavation found indications of PFAS in 24% of the toilet paper we sent to the lab. However, we also found plenty of ‘best” and “better” brands. Go take a look!
- Cookware: Most “non-stick” cookware is coated with PFAS chemicals, including some stainless steel cookware, and small kitchen appliances like air fryers. Check out Mamavation’s investigation on cookware.
- Carpeting & Flooring: PFAS has also been used in carpeting & flooring. Do you remember StainMaster™ carpet? That was PFAS. However, not all carpet has indications of PFAS. We recently tested one brand you can safely purchase. Mamavation also tested several bamboo flooring brands and found one brand that was free from PFAS.
- Furniture: Watch out for “stain-resistant” treatments on furniture. We have not done any testing in this category yet.
- Fire Fighting Foam: PFAS was used in firefighting foams and they have unfortunately been used extensively around military bases and airports. If you live close to a military base or airport, check with your local water district to see if they have tested the water for PFAS.
- Metal Plating, Semiconductors, Lubrications, & Coating Additives: Lots of industrial applications of PFAS are used to keep equipment from rusting, getting overheated, or provide water-resistant, or grease-resistant qualities.
- Drinking Water: Sadly, there are lots of places around the United States and all over the world that have drinking water contaminated with PFAS. Most of these areas are by military bases, airports, and other industrial parks that used PFAS for firefighting or other such uses. Luckily, Mamavation has done an investigation of the best water filters to remove PFAS.
- Car Wax, Ski Wax, & Surfboard Wax: Yes, you guessed it. PFAS is used here for its grease & water-resistant qualities.
- Some Processed Food: Mamavation has found indications of PFAS inside pasta & tomato sauces, nut butters, cooking oils, and ketchup. We are presently working on other food categories right now.
Results of PFAS Organic Fluorine Marker Testing for Organic Valley Sweet Cream Salted Butter Wrappers
An EPA-certified laboratory conducted marker testing for PFAS “forever chemicals” of Organic Valley Sweet Cream Salted Butter wrappers. The specific lab method used by Mamavation tested for total fluorine by using the Determination of Total Fluorine by Oxygen Flask Combustion and Ion-Selective Electrode. If detectable total fluorine was observed at a detection level of 10ppm, the lab did the Determination of free Fluoride Ion in the tablet by Ion-Selective Electrode and then subtracted that from the Total Fluorine to determine the amount of organic fluorine.
Results from our Laboratory:
- Organic Valley Sweet Cream Salted Butter wrapper — 16 parts per million (ppm) organic fluorine
What does this mean? This means our lab detected trace amounts of organic fluorine inside the wrapper of Organic Valley Sweet Cream Salted Butter. Organic fluorine is indicative of PFAS “forever chemicals,” therefore we cannot recommend this product until they use safer food packaging.
Organic fluorine testing is marker testing. There are over 12,000 different PFAS chemicals in commerce and it’s impossible to identify all of them. In fact, it’s only possible to identify about 100 or so in a really good commercial lab. Therefore, we do marker testing instead looking for the element they all have in common–organic fluorine.
Other possibilities of what we could also be detected with organic fluorine? Fluorinated pesticides or fluorinated pharmaceutical drugs, neither of which our audience would want in their food packaging. Our testing is only relevant to the batch and the product we tested, we cannot make assumptions about other products.
What Brand of Butter Does Mamavation Recommend Instead?
We didn’t want to leave you hanging, so we also tested another that we can recommend instead. (And we have more at the lab right now being analyzed.)
Here is an alternative product we also recently tested and it had non-detect results for organic fluorine, which is a marker for PFAS “forever chemicals.”
- Clover Sonoma Organic Salted Butter — non-detect organic fluorine
What does this mean? This means that our EPA-certified laboratory did NOT detect any trace amounts of organic fluorine in this product above 10 parts per million, which is the detection level, and we believe it is safe to purchase.
As we do more testing of butter wrappers, we will keep you updated.
geometry dash
Here is an alternative product we also recently tested and it had non-detect results for organic fluorine
geometry dash
Thank you for the information about Forever compounds in butter.
Amber Adams
I love to eat butter. when i was 3 years old i use to eat butter with any accessories.
I thought you would be testing more butters? When can we expect that info to be published?
Marsha Carter
Thank you for all this detailed info on PFAS forever chemicals in our foods and in food packaging. Since dog and cat food packaging is made to reduce/eliminate oil/fat migrating through the bags, I am wondering if there are any pet food brands that address this toxic chemical in their packaging.
Melanie Wheeler
The butter you recommended doesn’t say pasture raised, do you have a recommendation for pasture raised?
Kathy Chappell
What about Full Circle organics. I really appreciate all the work you have been doing to try to keep our families informed.
Amish farmers were using hard plastic containers for their butter. Now they are switching to waxed paper thinking it is better for humanity and the environment. They don’t realize that those waxed papers probably contain Teflon chemicals, the PFAS forever chemicals. Hard plastic is a better alternative. Leah would you be willing to test the Amish farmer’s waxed paper wrappers?
After learning about all of this my husband suggested Amish butter but I’m suspicious of the wax paper too. Would love to know.
what about CHALLENGE BUTTER salted and unsalted made with milk from cows not treated with rBST 4 sticks grade AA
dino game
I have read some blogs about food theme here and I highly appreciate your content. From these blogs, I got a lot of information.
Thank you for the info on Forever chemicals in butter. So glad to know our brand of butter, Clover, passed the test. We lucked out!
Priya DP
Hello, I realize you cannot check every product (butter) on the planet. But if possible, could you please add Graziers butters to the list please?
Thank you!