Does EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo contain indications of PFAS “forever chemicals?” Mamavation sent two separate foundations off to an EPA-certified laboratory to find out. You’ve trusted Mamavation to bring you topics like best green beauty makeup without PFAS, safest sunscreens, & safest period underwear sans PFAS, now join us for the laboratory results of EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo.
Disclosure: This post was medically reviewed by Sondra Strand, RN, BSN, PHN. This post also contains affiliate links.
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PFAS “Forever Chemicals” Are Ubiquitous Inside the Home & Common in Green Beauty Makeup
PFAS, otherwise known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (aka PFCs or perfluorinated chemicals, including PFOA and PFOS) are added to many products we purchase to make them “stain-resistant,” “grease-proof,” and “water-resistant.” In terms of makeup, sometimes it’s added on purpose to create “waterproof” or “long-lasting” qualities, while other times it’s more an issue of trace amounts coming from manufacturing chemicals and processes.
In 2021, we released our Green Beauty Makeup Consumer PFAS Study sending 83 green beauty makeup products from 49 brands to an EPA-certified lab to test for indications of PFAS “forever chemicals.” Our lab informed us that 65% of the cosmetic products we sent them had indications of PFAS. Later in May of 2022, we added additional laboratory results of products we had tested which brought that total to over 100+ products evaluated.
However, here are some of the other products you’ll find PFAS in and it varies on whether it’s there on purpose or not.
- Food packaging: they are used in popcorn bags, pizza boxes, fast food canisters & wrappers, and the flat dish on the bottom of cakes at the grocery store.
- Building Materials: They are also in carpeting, flooring, artificial turf, sealants, & roofing
- Fabrics & Clothing: used on clothing as “stain-proof” and “water-proof” agents & also other fabrics in your home like furniture. Check out our investigation on sports bras and yoga pants!
- Cookware: You can also find them on non-stick pans
- Kitchen Appliances: Some small kitchen appliances coat PFAS on surfaces to keep things from sticking like most air fryers
- Personal Care: You’ll find them in your personal care like some tooth flosses, and cosmetics. Mamavation is presently working on investigations on tooth floss, toothpaste, and toilet paper and will report back on these consumer studies soon.
- Processed food: We found indications of PFAS in pasta sauces, cooking oils, & nut butters.
- Menstrual Products: You’ll also find them in about 65% of period underwear, according to Mamavation’s own consumer study.
- Mattresses: Even your mattress can contain PFAS chemicals but these types of mattresses do not.
- Indoor Dust: PFAS chemicals stick to dust particles so the more dust you have in your home, the more likely there is PFAS in the air you breathe. Check out our tips on how to clean this up in your home!
- Drinking Water: Drinking water close to certain industries like military bases, airports, and printer shops are examples of where they have been finding PFAS in the water supply. But not to fear! Mamavation has found the best water filters for your home to capture PFAS here.
PFAS “Forever Chemicals” Are Linked to Problematic Health Effects
PFAS “forever chemicals” are problematic to human health and the environment. They are considered persistent, ubiquitous, and very toxic. Because they do not naturally exit the body for many months or many years and are not known to degrade in the environment, they are considered “forever chemicals.” Therefore, it’s imperative to reduce the amount of PFAS you are exposed to by food and water.
Here’s a list of health effects PFAS chemicals are linked to presently:
- reduction in immunity
- reduced vaccination response
- increased risk of allergies & asthma in young children
- affect the growth, learning, and behavior of infants and older children
- increase cholesterol levels
- metabolic diseases like obesity & diabetes
- cardiovascular disease
- lower a woman’s chance of getting pregnant
- lowers male fertility
- smaller penis size
- increase the risk of kidney & testicular cancers
- Causes endocrine disruption
- Disrupts normal thyroid function
If you feel like you’ve been exposed to PFAS, especially during pregnancy, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a division of Community Health Investigations has created this health advisory fact sheet to use when talking to your doctor. While regulating authorities struggle to catch up, it would be wise to limit your daily exposure to PFAS markers within food like pasta sauce, cooking oils, or makeup.
Results of PFAS Organic Fluorine Marker Testing for EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo
An EPA-certified laboratory conducted marker testing for PFAS “forever chemicals” of EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo. The specific lab method used by Mamavation tested for total fluorine by using the Determination of Total Fluorine by Oxygen Flask Combustion and Ion-Selective Electrode. If detectable total fluorine was observed at a detection level of 10ppm, the lab did the Determination of free Fluoride Ion in the oil by Ion-Selective Electrode and then subtracted that from the Total Fluorine to determine the amount of organic fluorine.
Results of EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo
- EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo #1: 767 parts per million (ppm)
- EXA High Fidelity Foundation by Credo #2: non-detect
This result is not clear. Since in one result, we got very high amounts (767 ppm) and in another result, we had non-detect results, it’s unclear whether this brand is in fact “clean” or not. Ultimately the choice is yours. It’s possible they became aware of this issue and reformulated their product, however, there is no indication of that when you review their website. It’s also possible they have many different manufacturers. We plan on testing them again in 2023 and will report back.
Additional Mamavation Investigations To Help Your Family
Mamavation has been working hard to discover where to find PFAS “forever chemicals” inside food & other products we purchase and bring inside our homes. This is why we have decided to commission our own consumer studies on indications of PFAS in different consumer categories and share that information with you.
- Pasta & Tomato Sauces
- Nut Butters (Peanut butter, etc.)
- Cooking Oils (olive oil, almond oil, canola oil, etc)
- Activewear (Yoga Pants)
- Sports Bras
- Green Beauty Makeup
- Period Underwear
- Ketchup
- Parchment Paper
- Bamboo Flooring
- Baby Strollers
We also have other non-toxic investigations on products for your children or the rest of your family. Here are some that we thought you may like.
- Best Yoga mats
- Best Organic Mattresses
- Best Air purifiers
- Best Cookware
- Best Plant-Based Milks
- Best Water Filters for PFAS Filtration
- Best Collagen
- Best Electrolyte Replacement Drinks, Sports Drinks, & Coconut Water
- Best Infrared Saunas
- Best Bubble Bath
Click here for a complete list of product investigations.
The laboratory results regarding Credo’s EXA High Fidelity Foundation and its possible presence of PFAS “forever chemicals” intrigue me as a biology student. The divergent results, with one sample showing an exceptionally high level and another showing undetectable results, highlight the difficulty in understanding the actual composition of such products. Recognizing the complexity of such research, I turned to for help as I couldn’t write a high-quality paper on this topic because, for a first-year student, this amount of information seems complicated. I hope continued progress in this area will lead to greater clarity, awareness, and, ultimately, safer and more informed consumer choices.
Can you please do a post on just foundations and find for us the best ones without any toxins?
Thank you!
Help me out i need something to choose