Mamavation Moms have lost over 501 lbs. so far….
Rachel: Lost 69.2 lbs. with Mamavation
Tina: Lost 20.8 lbs. with Mamavation
Hanan: Lost 22.5 lbs. with Mamavation
Wendy: Lost 20.6 lbs. with Mamavation
Megan Carter: Lost 62 lbs. with Mamavation
Kelly Denton: Lost 14.6 lbs with Mamavation
Megan H.: Lost 13 lbs with Mamavation
Shannon Sander: Lost 22 lbs. with Mamavation
Kimberly Robinette: Lost 32.8 lbs. with Mamavation
Andra Kruse: Lost 31 lbs. with Mamavation
Libby Liming : Lost 18 lbs. with Mamavation
Stacey Connerty: Lost 33.5 lbs. with Mamavation
Angela Bishop: Lost 26.4 lbs. with Mamavation
Amanda O’Dair: Lost 28.4 lbs. with Mamavation
Rachel Steffen: Lost 6.2 lbs. with Mamavation
Shelley Oswald: Lost 14.5 lbs. with Mamavation
Jenny Gniadecki: Lost 27.8 lbs. with Mamavation
Lisa Johnston: Lost 16.8 lbs. with Mamavation
Rachel Lacy: Lost 15 lbs. with Mamavation
Kimberly Cogley: Lost 9.2 lbs. with Mamavation
Lisa Samples: Lost 30.6 lbs. with Mamavation
KatieHostetter: Lost 14.6 lbs. with Mamavation
Alyssa Becthold: Lost 17.2 lbs. with Mamavation