As most of you know, I’m an avid Tae Bo enthusiast. The vast majority of my weight loss (over 170 lbs!!) was done with Tae Bo. Billy Blanks, the creator of Tae Bo, has been an inspiration in my life. And because I still get to see him and workout with him on occasion, I thought I would ask him to share a couple words of wisdom with the Mamavation Sistahood. As always, he was up for it.
We use Tae Bo in the Mamavation campaign with Billy’s blessing. It a tough workout, but promises results. I especially love it because I feel like a freakin action hero while I’m doing it. That is why it’s my soul mate workout–it doesn’t bore me. It makes me excited to do it. And you can get 6 pack abs without having to do sit ups.
Thanks for the inspiration @Mamavation and Billy Blanks!
He sure is an inspiration to so many. I should really try some Tae Bo have never done it. The little boy is adorable, way to cute!
Love Billy Blanks.. Love Tae Bo… Leah your doing excellent!!
That is great Leah!! He is such an awesome guy, love him!
Great Job Leah!!
Billy Blanks rocks!! Billy Blanks inspires me. He makes it easy for you by starting out small and making a pact to stick to it.
Thanks @bookieboo and Billy for motivating me to get my workout plan started!!
Love you Billy!!
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!!! Loved see Billy and I LOVE how you’re so inspired by Tae Bo! Makes me want to get up right now and exercise. 🙂
When I was in college I was doing Tae Bo at least 4 times a week. I was in the best shape of my life. I think he is so motivational and it is so cool that you actually get to work out with him as the instructor! Thank him for taking the time out of his schedule to say hello to all the mamavation ladies.
Hey Leah! The site looks great! Very professional yo! How fun that you got to do this video with Billy Blanks! Yay! xoxo
Congrats, friend!!! 🙂
Billy Blanks started a revolution when he brought Tae Bo to the masses back in the late 90s/early 00s! I was competing as an amateur boxer around that time and if I couldn’t get to the gym, I’d pop in one of Billy’s videos instead.
I wonder if he really has any idea just how many people, especially women and especially moms, he has helped and inspired.
How great! I remember my first Tae Bo video from maybe 10 years ago. I always thought it would be so fun (and hard) to be able to go to one of his classes!
OMG. First of all, I have been the world’s biggest fan of Billy Blanks since….geez the VHS tape of Taebo Advanced Live. I still quote him regularly “You got to GIVE SOME to get some!!” And because of him and his workouts, I started to LOVE WORKING OUT. He is an amazing man with a level of integrity not found often. He is one of the people I would put in my top ten list of “Who I’d Love to Meet”. Amazing person that has made a huge impact on sooooo many lives!! Keep it up BB!! You Rock!!!!!!
Wow! Great video. Mamavation loves you to Billy! I have a couple of Tae bo video’s they def rock my socks.
I love the fact he mentions it took 9 months to have your baby it’s not going to just fall off. It’s going to take time.
I wish I was as lucky as you Leah and able to take one of his classes.
Great video! Billy Blanks always inspires me. I started using his DVDs back in the early 2000s I need to get back to it. Love those card squats!
I love this video! Your son is awesome, and Billy Blanks is the coolest! I used to have his TaeBo workouts on VHS and haven’t gotten any on DVD since, you know, the whole world changed to DVD LOL… great reminder to go pick up some DVDs, thank you!
I’m glad you guys liked the video. Captain Chaos has loved Billy Blanks since infancy. Billy has always been in his life in my living room on DVD. Then one day he got to meet him at the gym and Billy was a sweetie to him. My son never forgot. And is always asking me when he gets to see Billy again. PLEEEEAASE MOMMY! One of these days it’s bound to happen again.
Billy’s workout has changed my life. I kept saying to myself “you gotta give some to get some!” Basically, you gotta work hard to reach your goals. And those workouts were very very hard for me in the beginning, but I kept at it and four years later, I’m keeping up with his certified trainers. I still have trouble with balance, but I’ve improved by leaps and bounds.
Tae Bo BABY!
how dare you let your son out shine Billy Blanks! HAHAHA I am totally kidding. I LOVE IT!!
Billy is so wonderful, he is absolutely right we committed out body to carrying out baby and now we need to commit our body to getting fit and healthy. Thank you for the reminder. I need to find a taebo video because I used to go to the gym and do a class called turbo kick which is kind of a cross between zumba and taebo and I LOVED IT, dare I say it was my soulmate workout. But I can’t find it on video and no one here does turbo kick. 🙁 maybe taebo can be my almost soulmate workout.
Thank you captain chaos, Mamavation loves you too! and all your videos. hehe
Nice! I’ve never done Tae Bo. I appreciate his comment about pacing yourself and taking your time. I’m gonna see if my library has any of his DVDs.
That is so cool!! I was nodding my head when Billy was saying it took 9 months, you made that baby and now you just have to trust the training and be patient. Love it.
Totally going to try this now. Thank you!!
Cute kid!! hee hee.