Are you looking for the safest air fryer or air fryer ovens without PFAS coatings? Truth be told many of the highly-rated “favorite” air fryers on the market contain potentially toxic proprietary nonstick coatings, and/or Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly referred to as “forever chemicals.” But never fret, we looked into all the most popular brands. You’ve trusted Mamavation to bring you topics like best & worst air purifiers, best & worst organic mattresses, & the best water filters, now join us as we share our findings of safest non-toxic Air Fryers and Air Fryer Ovens.
Disclosure: This post was medically reviewed by Sondra Strand, RN, BSN, PHN. This post also contains affiliate links. Please make sure to do your own research as brands and materials may change at any time without notice. California’s laws on cookware and small kitchen appliances are forcing brands to disclose toxic chemicals as of January 1st, 2023, however, not all brands are in compliance with this new law yet. As they comply, these ranks may change if they disclose something they have not disclosed before.
Table of Contents
Pretty Much All “Non-Stick Coating” Inside Small Kitchen Appliances are Toxic
When it comes to cookware & small kitchen appliances, and other types of appliances on your counter space, there are a plethora of options. (In fact, Mamavation’s investigation on cookware in 2021 is still one of the most popular posts on the site.)
When you go to choose an air fryer and you hear “non-stick” it’s typically referring to food contact surfaces that have been coated with perfluorinated chemicals or PFAS. These synthetic chemicals appear to give products an edge with the promise of easy cleanup, stain and grease resistance, and a no-mess, no-fuss type of surface tray.
Sounds great until you find out how incredibly toxic to humans and the environment they also are. Some of the more problematic potential health impacts are below:
- reduction in immunity
- reduced vaccination response
- increased risk of allergies & asthma in young children
- affect the growth, learning, and behavior of infants and older children
- increase cholesterol levels
- metabolic diseases like obesity & diabetes
- cardiovascular disease
- lower a woman’s chance of getting pregnant
- increase the chances of miscarriage
- lowers male fertility through low sperm count
- smaller penis size
- increase the risk of kidney & testicular cancers
- Causes endocrine disruption
- Disrupts normal thyroid function
The danger in PFAS chemicals is an accumulation of exposures over time because it does not leave your body for quite some time. So your daily exposure to PFAS chemicals matters and should be reduced overall in order to reduce health risks.
PFAS Chemicals Are Ubiquitous & Hard to Completely Avoid
PFAS chemicals have been used for decades to create stain resistance, water resistance, and grease-proof qualities in products to which they are added. If you’ve heard of coatings such as “Teflon” on cookware, fabrics made from “Gore-Tex” or treatments on carpets like STAINMASTER®, you’ve already heard about PFAS chemicals. Here’s more of what you may not have been aware of:
- Textiles & Fabrics: PFAS chemicals are very commonly found in product categories such as textiles & fabrics to create stain-resistance, water-resistance, or “sweat-wicking.” To help you here, Mamavation has tested athletic wear, sports bras, and period underwear. We’ve also conducted other consumer studies on bedding, children’s clothing, infant car seats, jackets, & raincoats.
- Food Packaging: In food packaging, they are used in popcorn bags, pizza boxes, fast food wrappers & canisters, and the flat dish on the bottom of cakes at the grocery store. Mamavation has also tested different butter wrappers, parchment paper brands, plastic-free straws, paper coffee filters, ziploc-type sandwich bags, and cupcake liners for indications of PFAS.
- Personal Care Products: The beauty industry has been notoriously guilty of using PFAS to create a waterproof or long-lasting effect in makeup products. So Mamavation tested the most popular green beauty makeup brands, and we have also found some issues with lip balms, deodorants, condoms & lubricants, period underwear, tampons, and sanitary pads. We also detected disturbingly high quantities of PFAS in bandages & dental floss
- Toilet Paper: Mamavation found indications of PFAS in 24% of the toilet paper we sent to the lab. However, we also found plenty of ‘best” and “better” brands. We also tested facial tissue paper. Go take a look!
- Cookware: Most “non-stick” cookware is coated with PFAS chemicals, including some stainless steel cookware, and small kitchen appliances like air fryers. Check out Mamavation’s investigation on cookware.
- Carpeting & Flooring: PFAS has also been used in carpeting, rugs & flooring. Do you remember StainMaster™ carpet? That was PFAS. However, not all carpet shows indications of PFAS. We recently tested one brand you can safely purchase. Mamavation also tested several bamboo flooring brands and found one brand that was free from PFAS.
- Fire Fighting Foam: PFAS was used in firefighting foams and they have unfortunately been used extensively around military bases, airports, and fire-training stations. If you live close to a military base; airport, or fire-training station, check with your local water district to see if they have tested the water for PFAS.
- Metal Plating, Semiconductors, Lubrications, & Coating Additives: Lots of industrial applications of PFAS are used to keep equipment from rusting, getting overheated, or provide water-resistant, or grease-resistant qualities.
- Drinking Water: Sadly, there are lots of places around the United States and all over the world where drinking water is contaminated with PFAS. Most of these areas are by military bases, airports, and other industrial parks that used PFAS for firefighting or other such uses. Luckily, Mamavation has done an investigation of the best water filters to remove PFAS.
- Car Wax, Ski Wax, & Surfboard Wax: Yes, you guessed it. PFAS is used here for its grease & water-resistant qualities.
- Some Processed Food: Mamavation has found indications of PFAS inside pasta & tomato sauces, nut butters, cooking oils, non-dairy powdered creamers, and ketchup. We are presently working on other food categories.
- Supplements: Mamavation’s lab has found some issues with products like electrolytes.
- Baby & Kids Products: Mamavation’s lab has found organic fluorine in some disposable diapers & cloth diapers, strollers, & kids backpacks. Good news! We did not find indications of PFAS in several probiotics for children through testing.
- Cleaning Products: Mamavation found indications of PFAS in laundry detergent sheets.
Teflon & The Shady Past of Cookware Set Us Up For a Shady Small Kitchen Appliance Aisle
It seems that most people are aware of the toxicity associated with Teflon. Teflon is the brand name for a chemical also known as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which originated by using the surfactant perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, aka “C8”).
PFOA falls into the class of chemicals known as PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). These chemicals are raising concern from not only the public but also scientists, medical researchers, and regulatory groups.
Just like with many other legacy chemicals, regrettable substitutions afloat. In terms of PFAS, long-chain PFOA and PFOS were phased out under pressure from the Environmental Protection Agency. Companies went scrambling for alternatives and found other chemicals within the same PFAS chemical category that were slightly different. However, studies are finding these new short-chain fluorotelomers could actually be MORE problematic.
- Short-chain chemicals build up in lab animals just as much as the long chains do
- Lower doses stayed in the body for longer periods of time than the large doses typically used in short-term toxicity studies
Most Air Fryer Brands Evaded Transparency on Non-Stick Coatings
So where are all the safest air fryers without PFAS coatings? What we learned during this investigation is that companies who are still using nonstick coatings are not always willing to provide the exact materials used in their products, which is a concern for us.
- Some of them responded with a generic response that the nonstick coating used is proprietary and cannot be disclosed.
- Others responded with a misleading reply that boasted being “PFOA-free” or even just letting us know that all of their products are FDA-approved and “very safe.” These types of statements are not in compliance with AB1200 from California, the news laws we will discuss further in this post.
- Some brands did not use PFAS on food contact surfaces but instead used them on the side of the inside walls instead. PFAS can aerosolize and drop down on your food, so that’s also a problem. If you don’t ask them, they won’t volunteer that information.
- We’ve also gotten conflicting accounts from these brands over the four years that we’ve been monitoring them. We are unsure if that’s because things have changed or because they didn’t give us the correct information before. Some brands have had emails & phone call contacts just to keep things straight because answers were conflicting.
- We also found that sometimes different products in a line are made by different manufacturers and thus you can’t make too many assumptions about other products in a line. We’ve found this to be quite common with small kitchen appliances, cookware, dishes, flatware, etc. You have to ask them directly about a product to be sure about that product.
- Products sold by a company to Europe may be different than products sold to the United States in a similar product line.
- Bottom line: it’s very challenging for the consumer to navigate. It’s even hard for US to navigate.
We want to provide you with a thorough assessment of the ceramic or stainless steel options out there but please know we could only do so much with the information we have been provided. Transparency is huge for Mamavation, and Air Fryers somehow bring out the least transparent of information to the table. As brands change, we will update this post.
California Passes Laws Attempting to Force Disclosure of Toxic Chemicals in Cookware, Yet No Enforcement So Far
California passed AB1200 a few years back to force manufacturers of cookware and small kitchen appliances to disclose the use of PTFE (a fluoropolymer in the PFAS “forever chemical” class) and other toxic chemicals. However, the problem is most cookware and small kitchen appliance companies are not complying with the law. (We checked.) Companies are now required to provide a legal chemical disclosure of the toxic chemicals found or used to create the product. Because the State of California did not provide any enforcement with the legislation, most air fryer companies are not complying with this new law and providing a chemical disclosure of their product.
Here are the main points pulled from the legislation:
- “Commencing on January 1, 2023, a manufacturer of cookware sold in the state that contains one or more intentionally added chemicals present on the designated list in the handle of the product or in any cookware surface that comes into contact with food, foodstuffs, or beverages shall post on the internet website for the cookware all of the following:
(a) A list of all chemicals in the cookware that are also present on the designated list.
(b) The names of the authoritative list or lists referenced by the Department of Toxic Substances Control in compiling the designated list on which each chemical in the cookware is present.
(c) A link to the internet website for the authoritative list or lists identified pursuant to subdivision (b) 109013. - Commencing on January 1, 2023, on the internet website for the cookware, and on January 1, 2024, on the cookware package, a manufacturer shall not make a claim that the cookware is free of any specific chemical if the chemical belongs to a chemical group or class identified on the designated list, unless no individual chemical from that chemical group or class is intentionally added to the cookware.”
This language from the bill is the most important to understand — “Cookware that contains one or more intentionally added chemicals present on the designated list in the handle of the product or in any product surface that comes into contact with food, foodstuffs, or beverages shall not be sold, offered for sale, or distributed in the state unless the cookware and the manufacturer of the cookware comply with this article.”
Mamavation has been monitoring the lack of compliance with this new California law and it’s widespread, especially in products that might contain acrylamide when cooked at high temperatures. The vast majority of air fryers are not complying with the law. This makes our job very difficult to do because there is also very little consistency from customer service representatives via email and on the phone when you call. This is why this category of small kitchen appliances sees the most movement from year to year. As brands comply with this law, they change their official disclosures and some of them are then moved into “not our favorite” or “better” due to their disclosure of PFAS or other toxic chemicals that were not disclosed before.
General Tips For Avoiding PFAS “Forever Chemicals” Inside Your Home
Mamavation has been keeping you in the know about PFAS continually so we can guide you to safer products. We tried our best to get the scoop from Air Fryer brands on if their products contained PFAS chemicals. It was not an easy task, and we are still waiting and wondering about many of the companies we contacted based on either a lack of response or intentional avoidance of the direct question.
Here are some tips for keeping PFAS out of your home:
- Swap your Non-stick cookware to these healthier brands
- Find better small kitchen appliances without PFAS-coated surfaces
- Try to find alternatives to non-stick products whenever possible (especially if you have any small pets or immune-compromised family members. Birds are especially vulnerable as well).
- Avoid processed foods with packaging. Grease-proof food packaging (pizza boxes, cake cardboard bottoms, & french fry wrappers. Click here for a list of which grocery store chains are serving PFAS-free packing)
- Avoid fast food as much as possible. (Did you know we tested In-N-Out Burger wrappers the other day? Yikes.)
- Look into investing in a really good water filter that is proven by independent studies to filter different types of PFAS, especially if you live by a military base or airport.
- When purchasing furniture or carpet, avoid stain treatment chemicals. (Like StainMaster)
- Even your mattress contains PFAS chemicals but these organic mattresses do not.
- Avoid buying clothing with labels indicating water, stain or dirt repellant. (Like Patagonia or REI jackets)
- Avoid choosing personal care products with “fluoro” or “perfluoro” on the ingredient list.
- Dust more often! PFAS “forever chemicals” chemicals stick to dust particles so the more dust you have in your home, the more likely there is PFAS in the air you breathe. Click here for our favorite air purifiers.
Mamavation’s Investigation of Safest Air Fryers without PFAS Coatings
Mamavation evaluated about 40 different air fryer products available in the United States in 2021 and then up to 80 in 2023. We started out pretty excited about a handful of models that had been previously reviewed as non-toxic, along with products that had prior claims of using only stainless steel with no coatings.
If you are looking forward to a crispy texture with chicken wings, homemade mozzarella sticks, or the taste of deep frying or fried foods without the oil? Mamavation is looking an air fryer option but with the following categories:
- Air Fryers with Air Fryer Baskets
- Air Fryer Ovens
- Convection Ovens with glass bowls
- Countertop Toaster Ovens
Mamavation ran into several issues after studying reviews, contacting the companies directly, and studying their marketing online:
- PROPRIETARY (Likely PFAS “forever chemicals”) NON-STICK COATINGS: Most brands contained coatings that were “proprietary”, which may likely mean some sort of PFAS fluoropolymer chemical coating. While other brands responded to our inquiries immediately to tell us they used PFAS coatings. PFAS chemicals are referred to as “forever chemicals” because they are incredibly persistent in the environment and incredibly toxic.
- CERAMIC NON-STICK COATINGS: Ceramic non-stick coatings are typically made of nanoparticles, which are common but not well studied. However, some titanium dioxide nanoparticles have been linked to precancerous gut lesions as well as immune disruption. This type of ceramic coating is very common in cookware, so we can only assume it also may be inside the air fryer if they don’t answer our inquiries.
- PHTHALATE-COATED FOOD CONTACT SURFACES: One common “non-PFAS” non-stick coating we found was phthalates. Brands that are marketing themselves “free from PFAS” may have instead used phthalates as a non-stick coating. Phthalates are hormone-disrupting chemicals that are linked to a host of health issues: Weight gain & obesity, Shorter height, Precocious puberty, Asthma, Allergies, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Lower IQ, Social impairment, Type II diabetes and insulin resistance, Poor cardiovascular health, Thyroid function and increased risk of thyroid cancer, Females: pregnancy loss and preterm birth, low birth weight, earlier menopause, Males: genital development, semen quality, reduced “masculine” play, Inhibits testosterone production, Shortened anogenital distance, or shortened “taint” , & Shortened length of penis.
- ALUMINUM FOOD CONTACT SURFACES: Aluminum (especially when uncoated), has the potential to leach aluminum into your food. Aluminum is bioaccumulative and a known neurotoxin that can cause neurological disorders like dementia. Aluminum cookware is an obvious culprit, but it’s also been found present at lower levels in ceramic and stainless steel cooking products. Aluminum can also cause slow growth in children, speech problems, seizures, and eventual system toxicity that causes serious problems including anemia, nervous system trouble, and bone and brain diseases.
- PROPRIETARY (Likely PFAS) NON-STICK ON INTERIOR OF UNIT: Many products avoid PFAS “forever chemical” fluoropolymer coatings on their food contact surfaces, but still included it on the interior of the unit. This is problematic because PFAS can become aerosolized and drop down on the food. This type of instance would land a product in the “better” not “best” realm.
- FUMES: Some of the Air Fryers included warnings from the manufacturers along with reviews from customers regarding an initial “smell” that is common with the first use (sometimes the first few) of the appliance. We are assuming you don’t want products that produce smells. However, sometimes these smells go away after first or second use. That is not as troubling.
- PACKAGING CHEMICALS: We found something that could be common in brands that did not respond to our other inquiries. At least one of the companies confirmed to use a coating on the product during shipping to protect the parts from being scratched. But they did seem to all provide this information within the manuals to let the consumer know how to handle this with the first use to either prevent the smell or to be prepared for a one-time smell after following their explicit instructions prior to using the Air Fryer.
NOT OUR FAVORITE Air Fryer & Air Fry Ovens
These brands were found to contain one of the following contaminants within the surfaces touching food when using an air fryer: Teflon, “nonstick coating”, PTFE fluoropolymer, or plastics. This section may also comprise companies that did not return email communication and we were unsure of their materials on food contact and non-food contact surfaces.
- Beautiful 6qt Digital Air Fryer with Touch-Activated Display
- Beautiful 3 Quart Airfryer
- Beautiful 9qt TriZone Air Fryer
- Bella Pro 6.3 qt Air Fryer Touchscreen
- Bella 8 quart Digital Air fryer
- Bella 12.6qt Air Fryer Pizza Oven Dehydrator
- Better Chef Deluxe Air-Fryer Convection Oven
- Black+Decker 6-Slice Convection Oven, Stainless Steel (Model: TO1950SBD)
- Black+Decker 2L Purifry Air Fryer (Model: HF110SBD)
- CalmDo 12.7 QT Air Fryer Toaster Oven
- Calphalon Performance Counterop French Door Air Fryer Toaster Oven
- Calphalon Performance Air Fry Convection Oven, Countertop Toaster Oven, Dark Stainless Steel Model
- Chefman TurboFry Touch Air Fryer – 8 Quart
- Cosori Smart Air Fryer Toaster Oven
- COSORI Pro Gen 2 Air Fryer 5.8QT, Upgraded Version
- COSORI Air Fryer 4 Qt, 7 Cooking Functions Airfryer
- COSORI Air Fryer Pro Smart 5.8QT
- Cuisinart Airfryer (AIR200)
- Cuisinart Air Fryer TOB-60N2
- Cuisinart TOA-65 Air Fryer
- Cuisinart TOB-135N Air Fryer
- Dash Chef Series 23 L Air Fryer Oven
- Dash Deluxe Air Fryer 6QT.
- Dreammiracle Air Fryer Toaster Oven Combo 21 Quart 7-n-1 Countertop Dehydrator
- Elite Gourmet EAF1010D Programmable 10L Air Fryer Convection Countertop Oven
- Elite Gourmet 23L Digital Programmable Air Fryer Oven, Oil-Less Convection Oven
- Elite Gourmet 2.1 Qt. Programmable Digital Air Fryer Oil-Less Healthy Cooker
- Galanz Digital Toaster Oven with TotalFry 360
- Geek Chef Air Fryer 10QT, Countertop Toaster Oven, 4 Slice Toaster Air Fryer Oven
- Geek Chef Air Fryer, 6 Slice 26QT Air Fryer Toaster Oven Combo, Air Fryer Large Convection Countertop Oven
- Geek Chef Air Fryer Toaster Oven Combo, 4 Slice Toaster Convection Air Fryer Oven (16 Quart)
- GoWISE USA GW44800-O Deluxe 12.7-Quarts 15-in-1 Electric Air Fryer Oven
- GoWise 7 Quart Digital Touchscreen Air Fryer + Dehydrator
- Hamilton Beach 35050 11.6 QT Digital Air Fryer Oven
- Hamilton Beach Air Fryer 31225 Convection Countertop Toaster Oven
- Hamilton Beach 31323 Sure-Crisp Air Fry Toaster Oven
- Hamilton Beach 31220 Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven
- Instant Pot® Duo™ Crisp™ 6.5-quart with Ultimate Lid Multi-Cooker and Air Fryer (non-disclosure of chemicals on accessories so we cannot tell where the PTFE, PFA, & FEP (fluoropolymers that create non-stick) are located in unit)
- Instant™ Vortex® Plus 4-quart Air Fryer
- Instant™ Vortex® Pro 10-quart Air Fryer Oven
- Instant® Vortex™ 5-quart Air Fryer with ClearCook
- Instant™ Omni® Plus 18L Air Fryer Toaster Oven
- Ninja 12 in 1 Double Oven With FlexDoor Ovens – Ninja
- Ninja® Foodi® Digital Air Fry Oven
- NutriChef Countertop Convection Oven Cooker
- NutriChef Kitchen Counter Air-Fryer Oven
- NutriChef Air-Fryer Convection Oven
- Nuwave Bravo Pro Smart Toaster Oven
- Nuwave Bravo XL Air Fryer Toaster Smart Oven
- Nuwave Pro Plus 2 Oven
- Oster® DiamondForce Nonstick XL 5 Quart Digital Air Fryer, 8 Functions Model #:CKSTAFLC-DM
- Oster Digital Air Fryer Oven with RapidCrisp Countertop Oven – Model #:TSSTTVDAF2
- Oster Countertop Oven with Air Fryer Model #: TSSTTVDFL2-AF
BETTER Air Fryer and Air Fryer Ovens
These brands were better than the last category, but there were still things we didn’t find optimal. Some of the coatings in the “better” list of Air Fryers have opted to be ceramic-coated in lieu of Teflon. And much like the ceramic cookware investigation, we still had a challenging time confirming the specific materials used in the various air fryers as well. Because most ceramic cookware brands use nanotechnology to coat the surfaces, we could only assume this was happening here too. There are also brands in here that avoid PFAS coatings on food contact surfaces but still left “non-stick coatings” in other areas that may still impact the food inside. We also put products here that had Prop. 65 warnings that we couldn’t identify, products with aluminum as food contact surfaces that wasn’t easy to solve, and zinc-coated interiors.
- Aria 10 Qt Air Fryer Oven (Non-stick nano ceramic on food contact surfaces)(Does not comply with CA or CO laws on chemical disclosures)
- Aria Teflon-Free 3Qt Premium Ceramic Air Fryer (Non-stick nano ceramic on food contact surfaces)(Does not comply with CA or CO laws on chemical disclosures)
- Big Boss Oil-less Air Fryer (will not respond to emails so we can’t tell what chemical disclosures are needed, but similar models have only disclosed issues with accessories such as aluminum parts)
- Black+Decker Crisp ‘N Bake™ Air Fry Digital 4-Slice Toaster Oven (Model: TOD1775G) (Company disclosed PTFE in interior during support chat, not on food contact surfaces)
- Black+Decker Crisp ‘N Bake Air Fry Countertop Oven with No Preheat (Model: TOD5035SS)(Company disclosed PTFE in interior during support chat, not on food contact surfaces)
- Breville The Smart Oven Air Fryer BOV860 Oven (chemical disclosure) (Avoid the pizza pans because they have PTFE non-stick coating)
- Breville the Smart Oven® Air Fryer Pro – Model: BOV900BSSUSC (Food contact surfaces have “non-stick” silica coatings, which are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect. Completely avoid the pizza pans because they have a PTFE non-stick coating) (chemical disclosure)
- Breville The Smart Oven Pro BOV845 (chemical disclosure) (Food contact surfaces have “non-stick” silica coatings, which are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect. Completely avoid the pizza pans because they have a PTFE non-stick coating)
- Breville The Smart Oven BOV800 (chemical disclosure) (Food contact surfaces have “non-stick” silica coatings, which are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect. Completely avoid the pizza pans because they have a PTFE non-stick coating.)
- Breville The Smart Convection Oven BOV670 (chemical disclosure) (Food contact surfaces have “non-stick” silica coatings, which are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect. No PTFE on any other accessories.)
- Breville Compact Smart Oven BOV650 Oven (chemical disclosure) (Brand discloses non-stick silica coatings on food contact surfaces. These surfaces are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect. However, avoid the pizza pans because they have PTFE coatings.)
- Breville Mini Smart Oven BOV450 (chemical disclosure) (Brand discloses non-stick silica coatings on food contact surfaces. These surfaces are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect. However, avoid the pizza pans because they have PTFE coatings.)
- Chefman Air Fryer Toaster Oven (French Door)(Brand will not disclose the “non-stick” coating materials, but they are not PTFE. They are likely ceramic nano coatings.)
- Dash Ceramic Non-Stick Tasti-Crisp Digital Air Fryer 2.6 QT. (Brand discloses ceramic non-stick coating materials, which are very likely made from nanoparticles.)
- Kalorik MAXX 16 Quart Digital Air Fryer Oven, in Stainless Steel (AFO 47797 SS)
- Kitchenaide Digital Countertop Oven With Air Fry Model: KCO124BM
- Ninja® Air Fryer Pro 4-in-1 (Brand discloses ceramic non-stick coating materials, which are very likely made from nanoparticles.)
- Ninja® Air Fryer Max XL Model:AF161 (Brand discloses ceramic non-stick coating materials, which are very likely made from nanoparticles.)
- Pampered Chef Deluxe Air Fryer (Brand discloses drip tray with a carbon or aluminized steel with a PTFE coating)
- Val Cucine 10-in-1 Smart Air Fryer
- Yedi Evolution Air Fryer
- Yedi “Tango” Air Fryer & Pressure Cooker
- Yedi Total Package 18-in-1 Air Fryer Rotisserie Oven
BEST & Safest Air Fryers & Air Fry Ovens
These are the safest air fryers without PFAS coatings. As of the time we did this investigation, these were the best brands we could find that were available for purchase in the United States.
Best Air Fryer Oven Cookware Sets
Here’s an option if you want to use your oven to air fry. We are including this because there are no perfect air fryer machines.
- Xtrema Air Fry Oven Starter Set — This is the perfect cookware set that will fit into your air fryer. (Use discount code “MAMAVATION” for 20% off your products!)
Best Air Fryers with Some Issues You May Be Able to Solve:
Not a single brand of traditional air fryers is free from ALL the issues we have described. But these are the ones where you can solve your problems by purchasing additional accessories. None of the air fryers below will have PTFE (aka Teflon) inside the unit where it can leach into the air and get into any air-fried foods. However, some things may have a PTFE coating and those we will recommend you swapping out. Some stainless steel air fryer brands also disclose BPA or phthalates in the chord and we do not believe that is a problem provided you don’t chew on the chord or allow a child to chew on the chord.
- Brava Experience Oven Air Fryer Starter Set (Brand discloses silicone “non-stick” on food contact surfaces. These surfaces are safer than PTFE or nano-ceramic, but not perfect.)
- Cafe Couture Oven with Air Fry (C9OAAAS4RW3)(enameled porcelain baking tray with Prop. 65 warning so we recommend you replace the baking tray. The crumb tray is made from aluminum so please don’t use the crumb tray as a food contact surface after the air fryers use.)
- Emeril Lagasse Dual-Zone 360 Air Fryer Oven(chemical disclosure)(Prop. 65 disclosure of BPA & phthalates in chord. The accessories of the unit are not disclosed in the main chemical disclosure but we found out details: chrome-coated iron wire, aluminum-plated steel, zinc-plated steel, and die-cast aluminum. We recommend using the alternative accessories we mentioned below.)
- Emeril Lagasse Power Grill 360 (chemical disclosure) (Prop. 65 disclosure of BPA in chord. The accessories of the unit are not disclosed in the main chemical disclosure but we found out the details: chrome-coated iron wire, aluminum-plated steel, zinc-plated steel, and die-casty aluminum. We recommend using the alternative accessories we mentioned below.)
- Fritaire Glass Bowl Air Fryer (All food contact surfaces are uncoated stainless steel except for the rotisserie accessories, which are made from aluminum)
- GE Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven (Brand disclosed an aluminum-coated sheet bake pan that can be replaced linked below. Brand later disclosed lead in the bake rack, so the bake rack can be replaced with this dehydrator tray.)
- Gourmia Toaster Oven Air Fryer Combo 24L capacity GTF7460 (has an aluminum baking tray that needs to be swapped out)
- Gourmia GTF7520 Toast Oven Air Fryer (has aluminum baking tray that needs to be swapped out)
- Green Pan Elite Convection Air Fryer Oven (Non-stick is not nano or PFAS…it’s silica-based. Replacing the grill pan with a stainless steel tray would be advantageous.)
- HySapientia Air Fryer Oven Combo (Swap out the baking tray with this stainless steel tray and you’ll be fine)
- Our Place Wonder Oven (Food contact surface coating is potentially nano-based or silica-based, so the food contact baking pan will need to be replaced. This brand has given us conflicting disclosures in the past, so we recommend you swap out the food contact surfaces to be on the safe side.)(This product is a smaller size.)
- PowerXL SmartSynx Dual Door Oven (Use discount code “MamaFree” for free shipping)(chemical disclosure)(Phthalate disclosure in chord. However, we are unsure (based on the lack of direct answers from the company) if the food contact surface baking tray is also made from phthalates, so we encourage you to replace it just in case.)
- PowerXL SmartSynx Duplex Oven (Use discount code “MamaFree” for free shipping)(chemical disclosure)(Phthalate disclosure in chord. However, we are unsure (based on the lack of direct answers from the company) if the food contact surface baking tray is also made from phthalates, so we encourage you to replace it just in case.)
- Wildone Baking Pans: Comes in sizes 9, 10, 12, 16, 18 and 20 inch. Simply measure what size would fit inside your machine, and set it on top of the rack.
- P&P Chef Baking Pan: Comes in sizes 9×7, 10.5×8, 12.5 x 9.75, 16 x 12 and 17.3 x 13. Simply measure what size would fit inside your machine, and set it on top of the rack.
- Wildone Baking Sheet and Rack: Great for air frying and easy to clean! Simply measure which size would fit inside of your machine and place it on top of the rack.
- P&P Chef Baking Sheet and Rack: Great for airfrying! Simply measure which size would fit inside of your machine and place it on top of the rack.
Consumer PFAS Studies Mamavation Has Released
Mamavation has been commissioning studies looking for PFAS “forever chemicals” inside everyday products you use. We are continuing to test and run studies and if you would like to tax-deductible donation, simply go to Environmental Health News and donate on behalf of Mamavation. Environmental Health News has partnered with us on most of our PFAS studies and provides support & more scientific scrutiny.
Here are the PFAS consumer investigations we have finished:
- Nut Butters
- Pasta & Tomato Sauce
- Cooking Oils
- Activewear
- Sports Bras
- Green Beauty Makeup
- Period Underwear
- Ketchup
- Parchment Paper
- Bamboo Flooring
We also have other investigations you may like.
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I just bought an aria 30 qt air fryer toaster oven because it is all stainless steel w/ claims of n forever chemicals but then, on arrival, tells you to turn the oven on for 15 min to ‘burn off protective coating’. Hmmm…any thoughts on safety of this product? Thanks!
If you’re on the hunt for air fryers that are free from toxic PFAS coatings, this post is a must-read! It’s great to see more options for safe and healthy cooking without the hidden risks. By the way, if you enjoy sharing your cooking creations, editing videos with CapCut can make them look amazing. Can’t wait to try some recipes in these safer appliances!
Wow what an excellent resource. Thank you for doing all this work! I’ve been heading down the road to do the same and stumbled across your site along with another’s: My Chemical Free House who did the same kind of research. Question: she’s listed the HYSApientia Stainless steel fryer/toaster oven as her top pick bc in 2024 she found all surfaces that touch foods to be stainless steel. It might be updated improved info? Just wanted to compare to your findings since you list it as a good one but suggest using a better cooking tray. Maybe they’ve updated? Just wanted to see your thoughts.
Here’s her write up:
“I totally agree with the insights shared here about choosing safe and non-toxic air fryers. It’s so important to be mindful of what we’re using in our kitchens, especially when it comes to health and safety. For those interested in exploring more about non-toxic kitchen appliances and tips for a healthier lifestyle, I recently came across a helpful website that discusses a range of tech and tools designed with health in mind. You can check it out at It’s a great resource for anyone looking to make informed decisions!”
Here’s a natural comment suggestion for that thread, blending relevance with your link:
“This article really opened my eyes to the importance of choosing safe kitchen appliances. I’ve recently started exploring safer entertainment options too, especially for streaming. If anyone’s interested, I found a great platform with free movies and series that you might enjoy during a cozy night in: It’s completely free and easy to use, perfect for family movie nights!”
“Thanks for this detailed guide on non-toxic air fryers! It’s so important to prioritize health when choosing kitchen appliances. I’ve recently come across some great alternatives for healthy cooking content, including apps like YouCine, which offers a wide range of documentaries and wellness content. You can check it out here: It’s been helpful for me in discovering healthier habits overall!”
Great article on air fryers and their safety! I’ve been looking for ways to make healthier food choices, and this really helps. For anyone interested in exploring more tech-related products that offer safety and functionality, I recently came across a site called Baixar Smart Play, which has some great tools and apps to improve your device experience. Keep up the excellent work, and thanks for sharing this helpful information!
Great article! I’ve been on the lookout for safe, toxin-free cooking tools, and this list of air fryers is really helpful. I’ve also found that finding trustworthy resources for healthy living is key. On my website, I share a lot of tips and tools for healthier entertainment options and online resources for various devices. You might find it useful, especially if you’re interested in discovering new tech for streaming healthy cooking content or other wellness-focused videos. Check it out at Freecine. Keep up the good work!
I’ve been looking for safer kitchen appliances, so this list is super helpful—thanks for sharing! It’s crazy how many air fryers still use toxic coatings. On a side note, while browsing, I stumbled upon this Spotify playlist full of cooking vibes—it’s perfect for kitchen time. Definitely bookmarking this post for my next appliance upgrade!
Can you provide more details on the Ninja Foodi Air Fryer oven? I bought the exclusive one at Sam’s Club, and as far as I can tell, there are no PFAs in the unit, it’s solid stainless steel inside and out aside from the plastic control panel. Is there evidence to support?
Here was the response about the Gourmia 7520 when I asked if the rack, baking sheet, crumb catcher tray or basket were coated in any non-stick coating and if they are all stainless steel:
Thank you for contacting Gourmia about the material makeup of our air fryers
Basket Air fryers are BPA, PTFE, PFOA, PFAs and LEAD Free. It is aluminum covered with a food grade silicone non stick coating.
Toaster Oven Fryers are BPA, PTFE, PFOA, PFAs and LEAD Free. The interior walls are anodized aluminum, The baking pan and crumb tray are aluminum. The fry basket and oven rack are stainless. There is no NON STICK coating in this unit.
Thank you for choosing Gourmia. 🙂
Customer Care @ Gourmia
“Where Delicious Gets Done”
The fryer basket seemed to have conflicting answers. One section said aluminum and the other said stainless steel. I asked for clarification and am awaiting a response.
For a healthier cooking experience,visit here visit here to discover the Safest Air Fryers & Air Fryer Ovens Sans Toxic PFAS Coatings 2024. These options prioritize safety and quality, helping you enjoy delicious meals without compromising your health.
For a healthier cooking experience,visit here visit here to discover the Safest Air Fryers & Air Fryer Ovens Sans Toxic PFAS Coatings 2024. These options prioritize safety and quality, helping you enjoy delicious meals without compromising your health.
When I called Emeril Lagasse Everyday, the customer service rep didn’t know much about their chemical disclosure. On the website for item FAFO-001, there is a chemical disclosure statement link, which is:
This statement says Polytetrafluoroethylene resin and BPA are in or on the unit or accessories, but I don’t know where. It may just be the cord, but I don’t know.
I hope this helps.
I contacted Gourmia for clarification and this was the response:
Basket Air fryers are BPA, PTFE, PFOA, PFAs and LEAD Free.. It is aluminum covered with a food grade silicone non stick coating.
Toaster Oven Fryers are BPA, PTFE, PFOA, PFAs and LEAD Free.. The interior walls are anodized aluminum,, The baking pan and crumb tray are anodized aluminum. The fry basket and oven rack are stainless. There is no NON STICK coating in this unit.
Is anodized aluminum walls ok ? It doesn’t contact food right, issue with any aluminum is with food contact
“Great article! I’ve been exploring various apps for streaming recently, and your insights are super helpful. One app that stands out for me is Dooflix APK. It’s a fantastic platform for streaming a variety of content without any hassle. If you’re into exploring apps like these, you might find it interesting too. Here’s a resource that explains how to download Dooflix APK and make the most out of its features. Keep sharing such valuable content!”
Wow, this is such a helpful post! I’ve been meaning to switch to safer kitchen appliances, and now I know what to look for. By the way, while I was researching healthier cooking options, I came across a great playlist on Spotify that makes meal prep so much more fun. Definitely recommend checking it out!
Hello! Thank you for all of this! I really want to get the PowerXL SmartSynx Dual Door Oven since it’s on your safe list with a slight modification, but looking at the website, it lists DEHP and Styrene as two chemicals. I called customer support, and they said they can’t say where the chemicals are in the machine but that they have been proven safe. What are your thoughts? Your comment on this brand, “lack of direct answers from the company,” makes me leery to trust it. Thank you!
Has the list changed?
On the safe list from your previous post : Elite Gourmet EAF1010D Programmable 10L Air Fryer Convection Countertop Oven
Is now on the toxic list..
Hi, thank you for all you do!
Is there a way to get more info on Ninja Foodie digital air fryer? Why is this one considered not a good one. It seems to all be stainless steel and if it’s due to ceramic tray would it possible to indicate that, as we could opt to not use it perhaps.
Thankyou Mamavation for all of your research to guide us to safe/safer products. I’m wondering if you have rated Cuisinart’s NEW (?) Gourmet Pro toaster/steam/airfry oven Model CSO-500C (black exterior with “stainless steel” interior? ). It has just appeared on Costco’s site as a newer model (slightly larger capacity) to their previous steam oven i currently have yet its not on Cuisinarts website. Amazon lists the materials for this model as inner/outer ‘stainless’ but also ‘has non stick coating’…. where? on the stainless interior? They are not specific! Thankyou
Multitasking at its finest! I’m researching safe air fryers while catching up on my favorite web series on the app
I’ve been looking for a non-toxic toaster, and this post is super helpful! I never realized how important it is to check for chemical-free materials. By the way, if anyone’s into good tunes while making breakfast, check out Spotify for the perfect morning playlist. Thanks for sharing these great options!
Did anyone reply having same issue replacement inside trays or pans doesn’t fit I need 13.5 not 12.5 but can’t find any that are recommended ugh for GE digital air fryer that’s recommended here so I’m sol I guess I have a air fryer I can’t use 😭
we solved this by buying the stainless steel trays and setting them on top of the aluminum tray that came with the fryer so that our food is on the steel tray but the aluminum tray holds it up
I am wondering about this air fryer since it has a glass bowl….
Ninja Crispi™ 4-in-1 Portable Glass Air Fryer Cooking System.
Hi, thanks for all your work! I really appreciate it. I just called the Breville company and unfortunately their Smart Ovens do have a proprietary non stick blend (which I think is pfas) on both the interior of the oven and on their trays. For those who are looking, the Gourmia ones are all stainless steel (I’ve bought it for family members before and they’ve liked them). I really wanted to get the Breville because everyone raves about them, but with a parrot in the house I will pass. It would be wonderful if you took it off the Safe List
Can I please request more detail about the ‘Ninja 12 in 1 Double Oven With FlexDoor Ovend’? Is this something that can be fixed by getting bew pans/racks for the oven? Or is there a major problem with the entire interior of the oven ?
Thank you
What about the Cuisanart CTOA-130PC3? I just bought it at costco.
Which replacement pan do you recommend for the PowerXL Vortex pro air fryer? It has the square looking insert so those rectangle pans won’t work.
Did anyone reply having same issue replacement inside doesn’t fit I need 13.5 not 12.5 but can’t find any that are recommended ugh for GE digital air fryer that’s recommended here so I’m sol I guess I have a air fryer I can’t use 😭
we solved this by buying the stainless steel trays and setting them on top of the aluminum tray
we solved this by buying the stainless steel trays and setting them on top of the aluminum tray that came with the fryer so that our food is on the steel tray but the aluminum tray holds it up
Can we put the makers of these in prison for intentionally trying to murder us? Or will they remain free and extremely wealthy off our deaths?
Is the Yedi Evolution Air Fryer safe?
Last year the Nuwave Bravo Air fryer toaster smart oven XL was on your safe list But you updated list has it on the bad list. Can you tell me why? Thank you
I just purchased the gourmia gtf7520 toast oven air fryer that you recommended. I contacted the company for clarification and was told that the inside is not stainless steel and that it is actually anodized aluminum. Is this safe??
Well this is disappointing since I just ordered this one also, would love a reply to this from mamavation or to know if you found out anything??
Did anyone hear any news on this air fryer?
As far as the Cuisinart brand goes, the air fryer that we had caught on fire…twice. The second time it left a nice scorch mark on my kitchen wall. Thank goodness it wasn’t as bad as the person on Reddit whose ENTIRE KITCHEN was destroyed! We contacted Cuisinart to report it, sent them pics, and sent back the fryer. Told them we did NOT want a new one. What did they do?…Yup, sent us a new one! Not going to use THAT again! Time to go back to good old-fashioned toaster ovens.
I clicked onto Breville’s mini smart oven’s chemical disclosure you provided and noticed they give you information on what is used for all the pieces that come with the oven but I don’t see any mention of the coating of the inside of the oven, I assume fumes from the interior can get into your food? I had read the company disclosed it uses some PTFA in a previous article I am wondering if they have changed how they make their ovens. Since we need to buy one within the next day or two I’m hoping you can clarify it.
Thank you,
Diane Martinson
I have the same exact question Diane. I called Breville and they said they didn’t have that information and were going to email me a response within 2 business days. Did you find any other information about the coating of the inside of the Breville ovens?
Did they ever provide a response?
I want a Breville one I can change out the pans but I’m wondering about the interior
GTF7460,Large,Black is under safe ones. But material listed as plastic on Amazon, I’m so confused. Pls advise
I just talked to pampered chef about the air fryer Delux which is on your best list. They said the interior and racks are aluminized steel. I’m wondering how this is safe to use, needing to find a safe(r) unit not leaching metals and chemicals…
You previously had the Big Boss on your “best” list and now it’s unfer “better”. What caused the change? Disappointed I bought that based on this recommendation.
Thank you!
Does an air fryer with aluminum interior walls leach or only if it touches the food ?
Did she reply?
That’s what I’m trying to figure out as I just purchased the gourmia gtf7520
I’m waiting for a response for this too.
We just purchased the same one and I got this answer about the other components. Conflicting answers about the air fryer basket.
Thank you for contacting Gourmia about the material makeup of our air fryers
Basket Air fryers are BPA, PTFE, PFOA, PFAs and LEAD Free. It is aluminum covered with a food grade silicone non stick coating.
Toaster Oven Fryers are BPA, PTFE, PFOA, PFAs and LEAD Free. The interior walls are anodized aluminum, The baking pan and crumb tray are aluminum. The fry basket and oven rack are stainless. There is no NON STICK coating in this unit.
Thank you for choosing Gourmia. 🙂
Customer Care @ Gourmia
“Where Delicious Gets Done”
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We bought an Oster French door Air Fry Countertop Oven. There were no peculiar smells but I am concerned about how hot the appliance gets when cooking in it, especially after the Best Buy recall of Insignia Air Fryers which catch fire and even melt!
Hi. What are the chord replacements you suggest for the emeril lagasse air fryers. I’ve read your article twice and don’t see it? Thanks so much!
When looking for the safest air fryers and air fryer ovens without toxic PFAS coatings in 2024, there are several excellent options available that utilize materials like stainless steel or ceramic, which do not contain harmful chemicals like PTFE (Teflon) or PFOA. Here are some of the top recommendations:
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Hi Pajeet, nobody wants to download your PoopFlix.
LOL! Right?! So annoying.
That’s also when I learned the glass cooktop on my stove used halogen creating EMF’s… so did my baseboard heating and heated blanket.
I have Nuwave Bravo XL Smart Oven. Is it still safe to use it. I wanna use it to make food for my baby.
I don’t understand….. a few years back you listed the Emeril 360 as one of the best options , so I got rid of my Cuisinart and got the Emeril now it’s in the Worst list.
What’s going on?
I’m also confused….she previously had the Big Boss under Best and now it’s “Better”.
Hi there mammavation!
Thank you so much for your research. I’m curious on the safety list with problems you can solve… there looks to be aluminum in the powerXL air fryer.. where about a is the aluminum? Is it just in the cord?
Hello, what is silica-base in the Green pan convection oven? Is it silicon?
Thank you very much for your research!
Can you tell me more about theNinja DCT401C 12-in-1 Double Oven with FlexDoor?
Your content is awesome. You explain every point which I’m looking for some myths about the air fryers .
I am so confused, bc the Emeril Lagasse Dual Zone which is on the “safest list” has the following chemical disclosure : “Diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP),” which sounds really dangerous. Can you clarify how/why it is on the safest list bc it is one of my favorites. Thanks so much.
Assuming the other brands do not have similar chemical applications just because they do not have a disclosure would not be accurate. They are just not disclosing yet. Eventually they will all need to based on California’s latest laws on small kitchen appliances and cookware. Right now, they are all out of compliance.
I totally understand that.. but what I’m asking , is that emeril one still considered one of the safer with that particular chemical ? I have been reading the chemical disclosures and even the “ safe “ ones have some pretty scary things disclosed .
Gavin Newscum will soon be banning the oxygen we breathe or charging us a tax for it.
I’ve been looking so long for a non toxic toaster oven and it has been pretty impossible to find anything that doesn’t have a P65 warning and doesn’t have non stick. Also, I thought Green Pan may be an option, but they also use their own non stick which we have no way of knowing for sure is safe. Has anyone had luck finding one that doesn’t use a nonstick interior and doesn’t have any P65 warnings?
Most of the Prop. 65 warnings for small kitchen appliances are about BPA in the chord. So if you see that, it’s not necessarily a big deal. Just ask the brand what it’s about.
Someone posted a question about the Gormia not being stainless steel interior. I was just wondering if you saw that post because I was wondering if it was still on the best list. Thank you.
I think this list goes into a lot moe detail than any other out there but wish it could be updated!
So even the safest ones w the chemical disclosures are ok? Reading the statements still sound scary?
I’m actually more concerned with the brands that are not providing this. It’s not what we DO know but what we don’t know.
Iam wondering if Nuwave Bravo XL Smart Oven is still safe even if they have an aluminum interior. I wanna use it for my baby to make food. Iam looking for an oven I don’t care about an air fryer I just need something safe and non-toxic
Do you have any information about the PARIS RHÔNE 5.3 QT with Viewing Window & Ceramic Coated Non-Stick Basket? I didn’t see that one anywhere on your list.
Did you check the kalorik maxx 2 door air fryer?
Would lining the air fryer with aluminum foil instead of putting the food on what otherwise would be a toxic air fryer make it safer?
Or parchment paper?
I was prepared to buy the Oster compact countertop toaster oven with air fryer stainless steel and read that it has a non-stick interior and an aluminum pan?! Why is it in the best category? It honestly looks as those no options are truly safe and actually work.
I too did not see favorable consumer reviews for Oster. I wish they would list why Ninja is moderately reviewed and maybe contact the manufacturer for any unanswered questions about the product.
Mamavation, thank you so much for all the work you do to help us make healthy choices for our families.
I also am curious about this model, which you didn’t mention: VAL CUCINE 26.3 QT/25 L Extra-Large Smart Air Fryer Toaster Oven, 10-in-1 Convection Countertop Oven Combination,Brushed Stainless Steel Finish
Seems to not have a non stick coating, and be safe. Am I missing something?
What’s somewhat confusing is, many of the “safe” air fryers in the list are not actually air fryers at all. They are Halogen ovens (the ones with the glass bowls). Halogen technology cooks food with a light that goes on and off over a Pyrex container. They do not use circulating air like air fryers. Halogen ovens are not air fryers.
I have two parrots in my house and Teflon heated to certain temperatures can actually kill them. I spoke to Cuisinart today and they stated all of their air fryers are PTFE and PFOA free. Is that in agreement with what you have found? The model I just purchased is CTOA-130PC2. I didn’t even think about the possibility of Teflon being used in it.
Thank you, Leah. This is by far the most comprehensive article ai have found on the subject and has confirmed my own frustrations in trying to get to the bottom of what these air fryers are made of. Is there any chance you are planning on updating this for 2022, as there are so many newer products on the market now. Thank you! Best, Ellen
I was very interested in the Big Boss until I learned Halogen radiation which emit Electro Magnetic Frequencies were the source of heating used. Ugh…
That’s also when I learned the glass cooktop on my stove used halogen creating EMF’s… so did my baseboard heating and heated blanket.
I emailed the company about the Emeril Lagasse oven. Does this reply seem like it is good enough to purchase? I’ve been researching for so long and felt this one should be ok, but a little confused by their response. Thank you!!!
“The Inside is galvanized steel, outside is stainless steel. There is No non-stick coating on the interior. The 360 accessories are combinations of chrome-plated steel, chrome-plated iron, aluminized steel, and galvanized steel.
This product is safe to use as instructed. This product meets federal and state laws (including California’s) for safety. A Proposition 65 warning is a notification that a product may include a substance on California’s Proposition 65 list. The list is broad, subject to change, and contains substances that are found in products, sold and purchased in California, that are used or consumed in everyday living. For example, warnings have been required for coffee, vinegar, and fish, in addition to many other commonly used products. For more information, visit the website of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at“
We bought an Oster French door Air Fry Countertop Oven. There were no peculiar smells but I am concerned about how hot the appliance gets when cooking in it, especially after the Best Buy recall of Insignia Air Fryers which catch fire and even melt!
hi im single i have a dash currentlly love it but hate the chemicals… can you please recomend an air fryer that isnt a toater over but shaped more like my dash? i found a couple of stainless steel basket ones but all where unavailable for putchase anywhere and the big glass ones are to much for me and my space… also on a fixed income so price is a bit of a factor as well…
I am interested in the homelabs air fryer. Do you know if it is safe and does it smell? Also what should I replace the drip pan with as it is teflon.
I am also curious about this question “one says clean the interior gently which might mean it does? If food doesn’t come in contact with the nonstick then can it be toxic?”
Thank you for all you amazing research I look forward to hearing back.
Lianne Mueller
[email protected]
I was interested in the homelabs air fryer as well and reached out to ask about materials used. This is their response:
“I am more than happy to answer your question.
The warning sign, according to our product engineers, is for California Proposition 65, which requires lead to be stated even if the lead content is very little.
The internal cavity is made of Zinc plated steel. The fetch tool & fruit dehydrate tray are chrome-plated steel.
Stainless steel (SUS430/304) is used for the rest of the accessories. These components are free of BPA.
Teflon is used to coat the drip tray (PTFE). The coating is free of PFOA, PFOS, and BPA.”
Hope that helps!
Teflon is a flourocarbon also.
I think i found a good one but I’m really unsure about the bake pan. It says made of 304 stainless steel and this was the manufacturer’s response regarding materials of the accessories. I think the bake pan is questionable but I am unsure from my research. I am also OKAY if I don’t use the bake pan. Would you mind checking this one?
“The material of the wire rack is carbon structural steel wire.
The material of the baking/drip pan is a hot-dip aluminum coated steel plate.
The material of the Air Fryer basket is carbon structural steel wire.”
VAL CUCINE 26.3 QT/25 L Extra-Large Smart Air Fryer Toaster Oven, 10-in-1 Convection Countertop Oven Combination,Brushed Stainless Steel Finish
Thanks for all your great research. I received the Cuisinart TOA-26 for Christmas. It’s an air fryer toaster oven combo. It smelled terrible the first time I turned it on, so I started researching. This model is supposedly brand new. I contacted Cuisinart to find out what the inside is coated with, and they responded with this: “Thank you for your inquiry. The Cuisinart AirFryers has a coated steel interior.
There is no Teflon or non-stick coating in any of these units.”
So my question now is what is a steel coated interior? Is that inherently unsafe even if it is not a non-stick coating? I can’t seem to get a straight answer from them on what is in the material that coats the steel.
It’s so hard and frustrating to try and find out what is safe. I would so appreciate any feedback you have. Thanks so much!